Knotted Story

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Because this world has gone crazy.
it slips and slides
like the small child its pretending,
wanting to be.

But if our planet was a child,
it would have no moon,
no waves to wash upon the shore,
or nights with that little bit of light.

It would be smaller.
With tight-knit clothes
that are either too small or too big,
but none that are just the right size.
wearing their hair messily
because they are too young to understand
the words "fitting in."

And if the world was a child,
it would be smiley,
and bubbly,
not yet knowing the pain they could be in.

But the world isn't a child.
and yet still not understanding
that their pain and pleasure
are the exact same thing.


For this first poem, I wrote it myself, but I am asking for submissions from you guys for the book! This book is meant for young poets, (teenagers between the ages of 13-19), who want to share their words. 

The read-aloud: 

(I don't know if the link will work crossing my fingers it will)

Some of the poems may be read aloud. Most of the ones read-aloud will be my own unless the writer gives me permission to do so. 

I hope y'all have a lovely day!

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