Platform 9 and 3/4

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     Hello my name is George NotFound. I am 11 years old. My mother is pure-blood and my father is a half-blood. My best friends are Karl Jacobs and Quackity. We are on the way to our train station. "Hey mum" I ask. "Yes my future Hufflepuff" my mother responds. "What if  they don't like me and think I'm weird" I then ask. "Oh son don't worry they'll love you plus the school supports everyone" my father then says with a wink. Oh yeah I forgot to say I'm Bi and my parents are supportive so I'm grateful for that. .

                                                        Time Skip cuz why not?

"OHHHH LOOK MARK JUST LIKE I REMEMBERED" yelled my mother as we entered the Platform. "Jeez mom can't you be anymore loud" I said. Then I hear  "GEORGEE" coming from both ways. I turn around and see Karl and Quackity running at FULL SPEED. I drop my suitcases. Quackity wining Karl hugs me. I feel tears falling. I haven't seen them in 1 year because I moved away. Karl then joins the hug. " I've *sniffle* missed you guys"I said. "So have I George" said Karl.

Karl's POV

Quackity beating me to hug George. I then hug him. I can hear him sniffle. "I've *sniffle* missed you guys" he said. "So have I George" I then say.

Back to George's POV.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 17, 2021 ⏰

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