Might die cold and alone, lol

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tw: self deprication, mentions of death by frostbite + mentions of maybe losing fingers because of frostbite

I crept into the living room, makings sure to keep quiet lest I wake everyone on christmas eve. Hurrying over the the tree I looked at all the presents, trying to find mine. When I spotted one, I silently cheered and rushed over to find out what it was. I sat down and began to shake the box, listening for anything that could tell me what it might be. Footsteps broke the serene atmosphere, making me flinch and try and find a hiding spot.

But before I could, a voice spoke from the staircase, "Tommy?"

My eyes opened to the white wool of Tnret. I looked at both entrances and there was no one. Sighing, I got up to see if anyone had visited. When I exited Tnret, it was silent except for the whistling of the wind and the crashing waves of the sea. Not a soul to be seen.

I shivered, finally noticing how cold it was outside, eyeing the snow on the ground in front of him. I brought my hands up around my arms and rubbed hoping it would help as I don't have the materials for a blanket or to fix the holes in my clothes.

Walking back to Tnret, I decided to wait for Dream to come and maybe giving me some blankets. Sitting on top of my bed, I waited for Dream. Seconds turned into minutes and minutes into hours, it was apparent Dream wasn't coming, and that I should give up on looking around for him or Ghostbur. No one was coming. Dream had better stuff to do, better friends to celebrate with. Ghostbur is a wandering spirit, I'm not surprised he decided to spend christmas at L'manberg. And the others... Well... I burned those bridges a while ago.

I lied down, curling up in a ball to try and get some warmth. Hoping and praying to any god that may answer that I wasn't going get frostbite and lose some fingers. All I wanted was to not die pathetic and alone because of fucking frostbite. I have so much I want to do that haven't been able to before. Like learn how to preen Phil's wings, learn about the myths Tech likes, learn how to play the guitar so I can do a duet with Wilbur, learn about the flowers Ranboo loves so much, apologize to Tubbo-

What am I talking about? I'm such an idiot. They all hate me, why would they ever agree to teach me any of these things? Besides, it's been so long they've probably all forgotten about me, living their best lives without me. It's not like it's their fault though, It's my fault I burned Georges house. And Ranboo may have helped me, but he was new to the server and such a nice guy, he didn't have a reputation like mine, I didn't want to ruin his future, he doesn't deserve it! I should apologize when I get the chance. It's the least I can do for him after all I've done.

Whatever, it's getting dark, so I need to sleep.

Christmas Time with  ̶M̶y̶s̶e̶l̶f̶ my Family!Where stories live. Discover now