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There was a boy and girl who loved nature and playing in flowerbeds with their parents. The boy's name was Sky and the girl's was Moon. They were best friends and were practically inseparable. One day, Sky and Moon's parents were killed in a fire, the village claimed it was an accident but they suspected foul play. Their parents were rumored to be friends of the outcasts of the forest. Having no home or way of taking care of themselves without going in an orphanage, they ran away to live in the forest. They joined a pack of wolves who lived in a cave. It seemed like the wolves were well aware of how to care for children. The cave had many unusual possessions that would be seen in a house of humans, beside the possessions, were a pile of bones, h u m a n b o n e s...

Just kidding, the possessions were left behind by the girls when they grew older and decided to travel the world. The villagers never hated the parents, it was honestly an accident but the kids think otherwise.

The wolves cared for them for as long as possible. Unfortunately, the wolves passed on a few years later. Luckily, they left strong, independent pack members to rule their domain. Sky and Moon grew up, learning from the wolves and gathering skills to survive the unforgiving forest. They also grew attached to the forest and the need to protect it followed.

One day, a group of people from a nearby village came and began chopping down the trees and hunting animals. When Sky and Moon heard of this, they were furious. They approached the group and pleaded for the group to stop. The group refused and continued to destroy Sky and Moon's beloved home. Full of anger, Sky and Moon called the remaining animals to protect the forest, attack the villagers and send them away.

Doing as told, the animals attacked. The group pleaded for mercy and said they only wanted to create a zoo but needed food and wood. Sky and Moon took the idea into consideration, a zoo could help protect the animals and the forest can remain for the animals. They decided to provide a deal. "Yo may create a zoo but you have to surround the forest, not cut more than necessary.

The group spoke among themselves. It was a good idea and they are being spared. The leader turned to the man and woman, holding out a hand. "We have considered your terms and agree to surround the forest and not cut more than necessary. We shall even replant the trees after we are done." Sky and Moon smiled, liking the bonus of the trees being replanted after the zoo is made. "Ok", Moon said, "You have a deal", Sky said as he shook the man's hand. The two helped the group build the zoo and even the animals helped, keeping watch of the amount of trees being cut and the amount of animals being killed.

When the zoo was complete, everyone replanted trees and the villagers made a written agreement for all to see that this is a forest that is protected. Sky and Moon took jobs as tourist guides and educators for the zoo. Villagers and foreigners were allowed to come to the forest that was not art of the zoo and hunt for food, however, there was a limit and certain animals were not allowed to be hunted without a fine.

Everyone was happy since they got what they wanted. The End

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