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Frank tiredly made his way up the steps from a long day at work, the weathered staircase creaking beneath his heavy footsteps. As he reached the floor to their flat, he let out an exhausted sigh, ready to just collapse into his lover's arms after giving him his ‘good morning’ kiss. Sluggish movements come from Frank as he clumsily put in his apartment key into the door and unlocked it, stepping in and taking off his shoes slowly. Putting his keys and bag on the table he let out an “I’m home?” looking around for his boyfriend's greeting. Did he get called into work early? Frank thought as he checked his phone to see if he had missed any messages, no new notifications. Quietly, he made his way to their bedroom, where he turned on the lamp on their bedside table. There was Finley, curled up in a ball on their bed, sweating and breathing heavily. Frank softly reached out to grab his shoulder, rotating the frail man towards him. 

Finley let out a groan of pain as his lover placed a tender hand on his forehead, wiping away the sweat and pushing his hair out of his face, “mmm you’re home?” A soft kiss was placed on his forehead as Frank's breath tickled his skin, “is it bad today?” he asked. Finley couldn’t bring the strength to answer and just nodded with a slight groan releasing from his lips. “Did you call out of work yet?” Frank asked, once again only the slight head movements in reply, a shake. Frank stood up straight and made his way to the kitchen where he grabbed his phone and called The Charleton, getting transferred to Finley’s boss where he explained the situation, Finley would not be able to come into work today. 

Frank took a few more minutes to grab the heating pad from the drawer and put it in the microwave, as well as make some warm tea for his partner. After preparations were done, he carried them into the room, setting the cup on the bed stand and pulling back the covers, swallowing hard at the sight of his lover wearing only one of his shirts as a nightgown. “Which side hurts the most today, love?” he asked softly, and Finley responded with “the left” in a strained voice. Frank nodded and slid his hand underneath Finley’s left side, lifting it up and sliding the heating pad underneath it, slowly bringing him back down. “I made you some tea if you want any” a shake of the head answered Frank's question, “okay I’ll go shower and sleep on the couch tonight then, call me if you need anything.” As he stood up to leave he felt a weak grasp wrap around his wrist, he turned around to look at his lover who whispered “stay with me tonight.” Frank bent over and planted another soft kiss on his partner’s sweaty forehead, “of course baby.” Frank quickly changed his clothes into his sleep attire and slid into bed next to his partner, making sure not to touch him for fear of hurting him any more. 

    Frank fought off his exhaustion to stay awake with his partner, knowing that when it’s this bad being alone is worse for his mental state. “Pet my head please” Finley requested, turning his head to look at Frank, his face whiter than usual. Frank's large hand reached up from under the covers and held Finley’s cheek in its palm, using his thumb to stroke his face lightly, before running his hands through his lover’s hair. A soft moan escaped Finley's lips as he leaned into Frank’s hand, glad to feel something other than the excruciating pain he was feeling at the moment. 

    Finley knew what he needed to feel a little bit better, and had decided to ask for it when Frank got home, but he could tell how exhausted his partner was, and knew that even though Frank would agree to help him, that he would sacrifice his own health for it. Just being close to him was enough to help him through it, eventually this wave would pass, and he could continue his everyday life, but getting through it was tough everytime. He was used to it, it seemed almost normal for him to feel like this. He’s felt this way ever since he was young, so it’s not like what he was experiencing was new. The heating pad underneath him helped relieve some of his pain, and he looked up at Frank, whose eyes were closed, fighting off sleep while rubbing Finley’s head. “You can go to sleep my dear, I can tell you had a long day at work,” Finley said, watching Frank’s eyes flutter open and look up at him. “Mmmmmmn no, it's ok baby. You didn’t ask for my blood today, are you sure you don’t need it?” his thumb found Finley’s cheek again, softly rubbing it lovingly. “No it's ok, I’ll be okay in a while, I can feed when you've had a good night's rest and feel refreshed.”

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 09, 2022 ⏰

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