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How do you tell you fancy someone? What do you feel when that someone gets near you? Do you as a person change when said someone is around?

What if he looked at you in a way you were certain he didn't look at anyone else? I can't confirm that he hasn't looked at others as he did me. What if he only spoke softly too you? I can't say he hasn't spoken to teachers in the same manner. What if he openly admitted to liking you? I can't confirm if he were serious or just leading me on.

What are the things you are certain are true?

I confirm that I'm at the very least an acquaintance of his. Actually I am his friend I just can't admit were so close to each other already. I can confirm that he treats me better than most others. He choked me when I told him he was a half-blood.

Does Tom Marvolo Riddle know?

I blame for my sense of security is that of a small fish surrounded by sharks, that you do not know how many times I've said I love you without opening my mouth.

I accuse my mind of trickery and its boldness to desire your touch yet victimize my heart when I back away.

I can confirm that I don't dislike you.

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