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It's like one day you have him the next you don't

One day you're happy the next your not

One day your loved the next your missed

One day everyone wants to be you the next their sorry for you

One day you're on top of the world the next your five feet under 

Some days you hate him the others you miss him

One day he's your partner the next he's your forgotten lover

One day the world all make sense and the next you feel the pain will never end

One day you knew your purpose and the next you were lost in your own existence

Even though you loved him with every ounce of your soul

He knew they could foresee what pain he'd bring to your good home

Now that he's gone u feel alone

As if there were nowhere to go

U miss his smile

And the way his skin glistened right before ur eyes

His red hair that flowed so smooth 

His cool skin on your warm presence 

U wish you could go back

Stop him from leaving u with the wolf pack

But Bella..

Edward is gone

What u don't know is one day,

One day u will find him

And that loneliness will be a memory from your haunted past

Because Edward is your happiness for all that may come down your path 

For all of eternity 

His presence is the key

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 09, 2021 ⏰

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