part one

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"Hello my name is Rose Woods. Um... Im 16 and live with my "sister" Abby. Well she is not really my sister but she counts as mine. I don't rember my past or family." Rose smiled as she looked at the readers.

'Hey what about me?' said Apollo.

"Oh ya I'm sorry I almost forgot about Apollo. Apollo is in my mind but somehow he combined with me and he use to be human. Well somewhat human but he dosen't tell me much about his past."

Jeffry Woods randomly brakes through a window, scareing Rose.

"WHAT THE PASTA!" she screams and jumps 5ft off the ground.

"Why did you just say "What the pasta"?" asked Jeff looking at Rose.

"I don't know it just came out that way, Jeffy." :P

"Jeff, what if the author comes? She may get mad that your here." said Rose smiling at Jeff.

"Like that would happen." 

'Should you tell him that she is behind him?' asked Apollo.

'Na I don't think so.' she said as she smiled creeply at Jeff.

"Rose? What are you thinking?" asked Jeff as he noticed Rose's smile.

Right as he asks the author tackles Jeff making him fall to the ground. The author had that one crazy look in her eye that you know not to mess with her. She starts to laugh at the helpless Jeff that was planted in carpet of the house. Apollo and Rose started to laugh at Jeff too. 

"Never underestamite me tiny boy I am the best. Waffles!!!!!" said the author as she got on randomness.

Hello again how is everyone im pretty good just hanging in here. Well sorry about all the new books and stuff but i hope people will read this because writing and drawing is my life. I try my best at writing storys and sometimes they come out bad but im working on it. I may start writing side storys for each chapter and please vote and comment if you think it would be a good idea. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2015 ⏰

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