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Hewo :3, this is my first time writting! So keep that in mind :)

This is a modern! AU :D

 In this AU, Sanemi id a barista at his family cafe and Giyuu is an artist.

and with that said, please enjoy ;p


The first time Giyuu saw Sanemi was when he had moved to the new city after an accident occurred at his home village, he decided to visit a homely looking cafe shop. The place was nice and cosy but what he liked the most was the lack of people. It was in a bit remote part of the city so not many people wandered there.

He couldn't not notice the barista there. He looked quite scary at first and was rather loud, there was no way Giyuu would forget that guy. He wasn't particularly inclined to visit the cafe again after his first visit since the barista seemed so hostile. But damn the coffee he had served him was the best one he had had in years.

Giyuu kept coming back and eventually he learned that the barista wasn't so bad. He even remembered his name after few visits. Sanemi. It was written there on his shirt.

The real reason why Giyuu was always coming there was that he was an artist. He loved to draw and paint, but unfortunately, he was currently rooming with another guy. The rent was high, too high for an artist without any muse. He needed a roommate and he couldn't be exactly picky.

He ended up with Obanai, but the guy wasn't really a problem. Rather, it was his cheery and bubbly girlfriend. Now, Giyuu had nothing to complain about Mitsuri, she was lovely, but also super loud and always in their apartment and Giyuu could never focus on his drawings.

So the quiet cafe it was.

Today when Giyuu had gotten there, it was just him, no other patrons inside. He had to wait a minute or two for Sanemi to get there and then he ordered his usual. Well, he didn't even have to say it, Sanemi already knew. Without even realising it, Giyuu had become a regular.

Giyuu looked to the shelves where the pastries usually were, but he couldn't see his favourites today. He frowned. Giyuu was really looking forward to those, but he came way earlier today than he usually did.

"That all?" Sanemi asked after Giyuu paid for his coffee. Giyuu never had just coffee but well, he didn't see what he liked there.

"Uh, yeah." Before he could turn away and head to a table where he had already placed all of his belongings, his stomach rumbled. Embarrassed and with red tinted cheeks, Giyuu nearly ran to his table, hoping that Sanemi hadn't heard the awful sound.

Sanemi did, though, his forehead creasing. But Giyuu was gone too soon. "The fuck is up with him," Sanemi muttered to himself, already preparing his coffee.

Giyuu wanted the earth to swallow him whole. This was rather embarrassing. He should have just ordered something else, another pastry, even if he didn't exactly like it. He was being ridiculous. He could have gone to a different joint, buy a real breakfast indeed, but no.

The thing was, Mitsuri was throwing a party at their apartment. He had no problem with that, he even stayed a bit and met new people before going back to his room. But there was the problem. Even after midnight the party was loud. Like very loud, impossible to go get some sleep. So he left to his friend's apartment to sleep for the remaining 3 and a half hours of the night.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2021 ⏰

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