PART 19.2

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Third Person's POV

Rose woke up from her trance looking at a teary eyed Jovana as she tried to make the Tribrid drink the shiny liquid "N-No,S-Stop.I don't want it" Rose tried to stop Jovana but she somehow made Rose drink the whole glass as the Tribrid fell again,Her eyes shining brightly as a similar smoke emitted from the small fountain Jovana and Liya saw a few minutes ago appear again as both the teens rushed to it seeing the image clear out in the shiny liquid and form Roselyn's next memory,

Rose's all white gown had turned a deadly dark crimson,She had no idea where her feet was taking her at the moment,She was too mentally drained to realise and found herself infront of the Mikaelson Mansion.She couldn't help but let her tears pool her eyes "Niklaus,Won't you still come out?" She yelled "I have lost it all.....everything I had..." She yelled once more and let out a loud sorrowful  chuckle "I'll be the one taking all your pain away....I'll always make it right,Darling ...What a lie,What a lie,What a lie..." Rose laughed as she dropped on her knees.She still thought
Niklaus would come out and embrace her...kiss her alright...Tell her that he'll make it right,But he didn't.He broke her trust,Her unimaginable love....he broke her....

Rose cried and cried and cried.She never thought her greatest fears of all will all come true all at once,the love of her life, the only man she loved to death after her brother and father had just abandoned her when she needed him the most,She let out screams of immense loss,If Old Niklaus were to hear her screams he would have burned the world to ashes...the world who hurt her,broke her,made her tear up like no other day but Alas,he changed...he changed according to the one woman he loved.It started raining,Thunders could be heard falling,it sounded as if the Gods were sorrowful on the girl's loss,"I can't take it,I can't take it,I can't take it,Please"She pleaded looking at the pouring sky as tears streamed down her face uncontrollably,She screamed and screamed till she couldn't anymore,

Rose drained her eyes dry and stood up,wiped her tears "Riddles don't cry....they can't afford to cry,Not anymore" Rose spoke as she wore a cold face and left for her family's funeral in hope of forgetting him one day.

Rose stood there,Her eyes dry and cold as she felt a hand on her shoulder "They are in a better place,Dear Niece" Roselyn's uncle comforted her but she didn't budge "Roselyn Marvolo Riddle,Come forward and say your last words before the burial" the older wizard requested as Rose took slow and steady steps towards her family,She looked broken but took a long and loving last glance of her family,

"Oh lovely father,I never told you but I understood you,I felt your hidden affection even in the torturous training sessions....I promise to always protect our family name and always make sure it shines brighter than ever before" Rose said to her Father's body as she passed a weak smile,She then moved towards her mother "Oh sweet mother,You were the loveliest of all.My inspiration,My mentor,My...everything."Rose said as a tear escaped her eye "I will miss your sweet kisses,your warmth and all the wise words you spoke" Rose smiled at her gorgeous mother before moving to her dear brother "Oh little one......The better one,The brave one....It wasn't your time to weren't ready to die wasnt your time...I-I love you,Dear brother and i assure you that our lovely  memories won't ever be forgotten" Rose said as another tear escaped her eye as she signalled the Wizard to lower the bodies of her loved ones and she watched as the cold soil hit the warmest of people she knew..........

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