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Nagito wasn't so thrilled about this current position in life. Sure, he and his classmates caused lots of damage to society while in despair, but is working part time at a store really going to help make up for what happened? It was terribly boring and filled with uninteresting, untalented shoppers. Of course, seeing an Ultimate shopping at this common place isn't to be expected, but it was still disappointing to see none. Oh, a customer.

"Hello, I hope you found everything you needed." He said, putting on a smile. He knew he wasn't just put here to work, but also to get used to regular people and treat them like people. As much as he didn't care to treat talentless scum like people, he knew he had to try. Hajime would be disappointed if he didn't at least try. So try he would.
"..." The customer didn't respond. Nagito didn't mind, perhaps they also knew how empty and robotic his words were. Either way...
"That'll be $11037 please."
Silence. The person didn't even seem to notice. Nagito felt slight annoyance at that. He wouldn't mind if it were an Ultimate, hell he probably would have paid for it himself, but this was a normal person.
He cleared this throat awkwardly a few times.
"O-oh I'm sorry! I didn't see you were done ringing me up." She finally responded, pulling out her card from her pocket and holding it out.
"It's no problem." Nagito responded, plasticity smiling once more. He took the card from the other and swiped it in one clean motion. Handing it back, he quickly began bagging the goods.  "How come you didn't see?" He inquired as he was working. He was genuinely curious, plus he would be able to tell Hajime he put in more effort then usual today.
"Well I have a hard problem focusing on just one thing. I saw the sign overthere, the one about a sale, and then I thought of that one time with Grandma a while ago. We were doing our weeking shopping and it happened when we went to pay. Gram pulled out so many coupons, it was insane. Sadly most of them had expired already, but the rest cut off a big chunk of the bill." She let out a short laugh, seeming to zone out again into a sea of memories.
"That is quite the story." Nagito replied, letting out a chuckle. He'd have to tell Hajime when he got back home. Maybe he will have funny stories like this as well? He hasn't asked him much about his life before Hopes Peak. It wasn't that interesting to him before, but perhaps it could be.
"You think? It is quite funny, although most people I tell it to get annoying that Gram didn't use the expired ones before. You know how the world is still putting itself together and all. People worry about money so much. It's really sad to see after all that happen."
"Oh I have to go now. Thank you for checking me out! Bye!" She ran off in a hurry, thankfully grabbing her groceries. He didn't want to have to run after her. Onto the next customer then...

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2021 ⏰

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