chapter one

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Lex POV:

I am dreading starting at a new school. I miss my friends, surprisingly I miss my teachers. All my teachers were really chill and I was a good student so they all liked me. It's 6:00am and school starts at like 9:30 so I have a while to get ready.

I went downstairs and ate some waffles and drank a glass of orange juice. Usually, my mom would make breakfast every morning, but since she's on a new job, she has to leave for work at 5ish. The good thing about her job is that she gets a lot of money, so I was able to buy a new truck and a new car in general. We also have a huge mansion. I finished up my breakfast and headed upstairs.

I decided to have my hair half up-half down. My hair is brown with dirty blonde highlights. It's down to my waist so I like that particular hairstyle; it keeps the hair out of my face. After I finished doing that I curled the ends of my hair. I didn't want to show up to school and look like a cake face so I decided to just wear mascara. Thank goodness I had no breakouts. Sometimes concealer doesn't work for that kind of stuff.

I chose my outfit which was, light wash skinny jeans, a black and white t shirt that had a creme sun on it, and a red flannel over it. I rolled up my jeans to a little bit above my ankle and wore some all white converse.

I checked my phone and had a few texts from my mom, my best friend Tori, and my ex-boyfriend Blake.

My mom and Tori wished me luck at school today and Blake is just a desperate douche so I didn't even respond to him.

"OH MY GOSH ITS 9:00!!" I yelled out loud. School starts at 9:30 and I need to be at school by 9:15 to meet the principle. I decided to just drive my Bugatti Veyron, I didn't really feel like driving my truck because I didn't have the time. The kind of truck I have is an all black 2015 Ford F-150.

I finally arrived at school and I was getting a bunch of stares, probably because I'm the new girl. No shit Lex.

I walked to the office and got my schedule and left. My first period was English so I walked to the classroom it said on the paper. The door was shut so I knew that when I opened the door, everyone would look at me. Not in a conceided way but the kind of thing when there's a new kid at school and you wanna know what they look like. Ya know?

I opened the door to the classroom and the teacher was in the middle of a lesson. I walked up to the front and the teacher greeted me saying, "Hi Lex, I am your english teacher, Mrs. Brooks." "Hi." I smiled. She turned to the class and she said, "Class, this is our new student, Lex. She moved all the way from North Carolina and is now here with us in Texas! Y'all be nice now. Go take a seat by Kaitlyn, maybe she'll show you around today." she smiled. I walked over to the back where my new desk was. Kaitlyn greeted me.

I could tell she was going to be my best friend. She passed me a note and said "I'll show you around after class." I wrote back saying okay thanks.

Finally that class was over.

Kaitlyn waited for me by the door so once I was done talking to Mrs. Brooks, she could show me around. "Hey" she smiled. "Hey" I exchanged the smile. "Alright so first things first, my name is Kaitlyn Reese. I play volleyball..." she exclaimed. She kept going on and on until finally she said I could sit with her and her friends at lunch. Yes. I won't be sitting alone. "Thank you!" I smiled. We have 10 minutes between each class, thats why we were talking for so long.

My next class was science and the teacher did the same thing. All my teachers were really nice.


Finally, lunch. Kaitlyn met me at my locker and we walked to the table together. When we sat down at the table, I actually felt welcomed. It felt like I wasn't known as the 'New Girl' for once. "This is Ashley, Shay, Ariana, Cameron, Nash, and Shawn. All the guys were really cute and all the girls were really pretty too.

But one thing caught my eye. That was when I noticed a pair of chocolate brown eyes staring at me the whole time I was telling everyone things about myself. He was smiling and looking at me dead in the eyes. What was his name? Oh yeah, his name is Cameron.

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