188 11 11

tomboy: okie dokie guys it is 10 minutes to 11

legendaryhair: oookay I have got a watch...

evilmaknae: you do?

legendaryhair: well, no. it's the saying. it doesn't sound cool if you say "I have a phone"
legendaryhair: like duh

evilmaknae: sometimes I sit and ponder about life-


liagrande: what a weirdo I mean who actually texts numbers in LETTERS

evilmaknae: tut tut


evilmaknae: ugh like why do we have to be silent for 2 whole minutes

cherryeong: to be still and think about the soldiers that have and still do risk their lives for us and our country-

legendaryhair: oh boo hoo they chose to go

tomboy: not back in the olden days!! during world war II all men even BOYS were forced to go to war
tomboy: in the end they had to get a lot of women to fight

legendaryhair: so THAT'S how we won the war

cherryeong: seriously though guys when the clock turns 11 we will sit still and quietly for 2 MINUTES. you will only speak and move when I tell you too

evilmaknae: sounds like we're about to have sex
evilmaknae: SUCH FUN!

tomboy: where does she learn this???

legendaryhair: why do we have to be still????????

cherryeong: because it's RESPECTFUL
cherryeong: you've heard of that word before haven't you?
cherryeong: RESPECT?

legendaryhair: oh piss off

liagrande: I mean what if something random pops into my head?? like sandwiches, or maybe cars idk

tomboy: push it out of your head!! it's not that hard!!!

evilmaknae: dats what she said

liagrande: OH MY GOOD LORD

cherryeong: okay everyone in the living room we have one minute til we have to be STILL and SILENT

legendaryhair: okie come on
legendaryhair: well now we're just sat here WAITING

tomboy: stop being so impatient
tomboy: and put your phone down!!

(cherryeong and tomboy logged off)

legendaryhair: hey I'm not moving!! I should be allowed to text, I HAVE RIGHTS YA KNOW

liagrande: YEAH SAME

evilmaknae: I mean my mind is totally on the soldiers rn
evilmaknae: oh if Ryujin wore that outfit...

liagrande: mmm

legendaryhair: yummy

(tomboy logged on)

tomboy: guys it's starting in 2 seconds!!!
tomboy: what the actual HECK-

(tomboy logged off)

liagrande: OKAY FINE let's do this dumbass silence thing

legendaryhair: let's just imagine our girlfriends in uniform

evilmaknae: YUMMY

(liagrande, legendaryhair and evilmaknae logged off)

Happy Remembrance Day!! 🌺🌺

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