Chapter 1

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We followed Dad out of the car. He is practically bouncing off the walls with excitement. "See that brick wall, Bob, run as fast as you can at it and you'll be on the platform!" Dad told my youngest brother Bob when we reached platforms 9 and 10. "I'm gonna have a black eye before I even get to Hogwarts, are you mad?" Bob asked jokingly. "It's the only way to get onto platform 9 ¾, dufus!" Dad grinned, and it reminded me of when I was a 1st year. I stepped over and hugged Mum goodbye, her pale green eyes were sparkling with tears at the prospect of all her kids going off to Hogwarts this year. She was the only muggle in the family and my younger twin brothers, Jimmy and Bob, were starting this year, while Frank, who was older than them but younger than me, was in second year.

"Love you guys, see you soon!!!" I called out my goodbye and Dad began yelling back, "Be good, don't be rude, use your manners, Jean, and behave!"

"Shut up Colin, honestly!" Mum interrupted him but he droned on saying, "If I get any owls telling me you've gotten into trouble, I'll......." But I never heard what he'd do because I had plunged face first into the brick wall and emerged in a bustling crowd of Hogwarts students waiting to board the train. Frank emerged behind me, followed by Jimmy and Bob who barged into me and began yarping on about all the pranks they were going to pull on eachother at Hogwarts. Juggling my bag and Opal, my pet owl's cage, I scrambled up onto the train in a hurry to get a good seat.

I struggled down the first few aisles and plonked down on a seat next to my friends Lyra Zeckie and Rose Scamander, "Hi Lyra, hi Rose! I feel like I haven't seen you in ages!" I exclaimed excitedly.

"Hey Jean! How's it been?" They smiled and we began chatting about the fun times of last year and the crazy things we got up to on the holidays (Lyra successfully transfigured her sister into a goat and Rose had turned her Dad's hair neon pink). I stared out the window at the countryside as it whirred past, the occasional wooden shack and oak tree dotted here and there. Before long, a lady dressed in an apron wheeling a cart stopped by and we bought some chocolate frogs and every flavour beans to share. We munched them down, avoiding any suspicious brown coloured beans (Frank told me he got rat turd flavoured one once).

Rose told a funny joke and we all cracked up until our ribs hurt from laughing so hard. Suddenly, a familiar face peeked round the corner, "Jeremy!" Lyra burst out and ran up to hug her boyfriend and he kissed her back. "Hey babe," he replied cheerily and sat down on the empty seat to her left.

"We're nearly there!" Rose gasped, pointing out the window at the magnificent Hogwarts castle which loomed in the distance and before we knew it, we were trudging through the great wooden doors, dressed in our robes. The great hall was lit with many burning candles, and bright stars studded the bewitched ceiling. Rose and I made our way to the Hufflepuff table, while Lyra took a seat at the Slytherin table. Professor Longbottom gave the welcoming speech and the sorting hat sung its merry yet terribly out of tune song before the first years began to get sorted. I wasn't really paying attention until I heard a screechy voice shout, "Creevey, Bob!" A very short boy with chocolate brown eyes sprinted up onto the stage and put on the sorting hat. I wondered what house he'd be in, probably in Hufflepuff like me and Frank, I thought, but was shocked when the sorting hat called out," GRYFFINDOR!!!" "Yes, Bob!" I cheered for my youngest brother and Frank whinged out, "That's so unfair? How come you get to be in the good house?"

"Creevey, Jimmy!" Screamed the sorting hat and Bob's identical twin bounced up and put on the sorting hat. It rested on his head for hardly a split second when, "GRYFFINDOR!!!" The sorting hat roared and cheers erupted from the Gryffindor table. Jimmy hopped into a chair beside Bob who was attempting to swallow a whole roast chook in one go and they high-fived, their faces lit up with glee. "You've got to be kidding me," Frank sighed miserably, "how come they got into the good house?" he complained, his brown eyes green with envy.

Soon everyone began to chow down on the piles of food on the table, there was everything from mashed potato to pumpkin pasties and leg ham. I felt exhausted and not very hungry, so I was glad when we were allowed to go up to our dorms. I raced Rose up to the Hufflepuff girl's dorms. I quickly jumped through a shower, brushed my teeth and got changed into my favourite pyjamas. They were pastel green and had sausage dogs on them. I was as snug as a bug in a rug under the yellow Hufflepuff blanket and fell into a deep sleep. 

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