Sapiosexual Relationship

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Stimulating conversations

Discussing that, which is present

Yet misunderstood and described as a closely relating idea.

Semantically absent,

Lacking representation for definition.

Correctly sensed,

Incorrectly processed.

To separate what we know, from what is felt,

Breaking it down to the root, before language has been assigned to it.

Finding someone who understands you when you are talking about something that doesn't even exist,

Before it can be semantically referenced,

That is an example of an entirely rare form of communication,

Most powerful and all encompassing to the infinite possibilities of existence.

It is beyond sound,

Using no vocal capabilities.

Learning it consists of learning silence, rather than speaking.

It's read through eyes

Rather than script,

Felt with energetic presence rather than physical touch,

Received and expressed through emotion,

Understood and processed through the release of all that u previously understood and held as true.

Open is your mind

Ready for the truth,

Your world will shake when you see and find the magic residing inside you.

Sapiosexual RelationshipWhere stories live. Discover now