in a week

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Dreams were uncommon for Hoseok to have. Sure everyone argued with him on whether or not he actually dreamed, saying he probably didn't remember them but he truly never dreamed of anything. At most he could remember darkness, but that was it. No scenes, no people or animals. Nothing. He liked it that way though, nothing to think about to distract him while he was working.

That was until recently.

He didn't know what it was but he started dreaming and more importantly, remembering them. Every detail. What was even stranger was the dreams were never about him or even included him. It was of a young couple from his village, you and . . . Yoongi? Yes, Yoongi; that's what that young man's name was. He never spoke to either of you, only really seeing the two of you sneak around the village and go in and out of the forest. Despite not ever really talking to either of you, he thought you were a cute couple. Kind and quiet.

As for why you were in his dreams, he couldn't figure out and it was slowly driving him mad. The dream was always the same, you and Yoongi were laying in a field. Your positions always changed but the setting never did, it was always the same field. In the same spot. The dreams gave him a weird feeling, never anything negative but they were almost always so peaceful that it couldn't be true. No matter the subject matter though, they constantly haunted his days.

It started a few days ago, in fact, it was right after he saw the two of you wander into the woods. Hand in hand and laughing to yourselves, like there was a secret between the two of you. It was a common occurrence for young lovers to sneak out into the woods, he's seen it plenty of times before. But never did he dream of them.

In the dream, he was laying on his back, arms folded behind his head as he stared up into the sky above him. Glancing off to the side, there you were on your elbow staring down at him, your hand cupping his cheek.

"How are you feeling?" The question didn't sound like it came from your mouth as you spoke, but he heard your silky voice in his head.

"I'm alright, my love." He responded, only it wasn't his voice. This voice was a lot deeper, resonated more in his chest as he spoke. It wasn't until later when he woke up that the voice was Yoongi's. "And you?"

A soft giggle echoed around him as you lowered your face to his, pressing a kiss to his lips. Almost immediately he returned the kiss, it was lazy and lacked any coordination but it pulled a groan from his throat as you slipped your tongue into his mouth. Time suddenly no longer mattered, his only thought was of you and how you felt against him. Memories that weren't his flooded his mind. The feeling of your skin against his own, your cries as you clung to his back, the sensation of your teeth sinking into his shoulder in a fit of passion. Slowly the world around the both of you darkened, the grassy field faded away until it was only the two of you in the vast emptiness. His heart should be speeding up as the darkness consumed the both of you. But it was normal, infact, it was even slowing down. . .

When Hoseok woke up the next morning, he could've sworn his heart had stopped. The entire rest of the day, the dream consumed his mind. He could still feel the ghost of your kiss, the feeling of you beneath him. He shook his head, trying to remove the thoughts of you. It wasn't real. Those weren't his memories. Yet why could he recall them like they were real?

The following night, again he was in the field but this time he was himself. He tried to open his mouth to speak. No noise emitted from his body, he couldn't even look away from the scene before him which felt more personal than the last. Again, you and Yoongi laid on the grass before him; but unlike last night, the two of you were laying amongst your strewn about clothes. Yoongi was leaning on his elbow, his free hand tracing down the sides of your naked body as you were curled up close to his bare chest. Hoseok watched as Yoongi just lovingly stared at you, his eyes never leaving your sleeping face.

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