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Lui, Brock, and Evan convinced me to go along with them to the local skate park after school. I was tired as fuck and couldn't balance on a skateboard to save my life, but I couldn't resist Brock's puppy eyes; you just don't say no to Brock.

We've been here for a few hours, Brock and I sitting on a bench watching Lui and Evan compete with each other. Brock was cheering Evan on while I laughed when either of them face planted.

Evan and Lui's competition ultimately ends in a tie, though they're still claiming to have beat the other. They're still bickering by the time we're all ready to leave, until Lui catches sight of something. Breaking off mid-sentence, Lui gestures towards the other side of the park, "Guys look!" 

We all turn towards the direction Lui's pointing at; there's a man in a blue hoodie performing tricks and generally moving about as if his skateboard was a part of him. He's managing to make some of the moves Lui and Evan were attempting look easy. "We should invite with him to compete with us next time," Evan looks impressed, "but only if you think you can keep up Lui."

"Pft, I'm better than this guy!" Lui squeaks back, "It's you who can't keep up!"

It was getting dark and I couldn't make out any facial features on our "pro skater" except dark, fluffy hair. It moved about his face effortlessly as he glided through the park. I could just barely make out a wide smile on his face; he seemed to be in his own world.

"Hey Tyler, you coming?" Brock's voice snaps my attention from the mystery skater; I didn't even realize I was still watching him.

"Yeah, gotta make sure these two fucks get home without killing each other."

I've been coming back to the skate park everyday for the past two weeks; the blue hooded skater seems to come at the same time everyday. I've sat on this bench for hours just watching him, admiring the gracefulness he seems to have. I don't understand why this has become a routine for me; why can't I get this unknown man out of my head? 

I've tried to bring it up around the guys, to see if they would give me any advice. It didn't help, the laughed and picked on me for being a creepy stalker; I honestly didn't realized how weird this was until they said something about it.

Brock was understanding about the situation and suggested I might have fallen for faceless skater. He mentioned about how it was easier to watch from afar rather than admit your feelings while staring in Evan's general direction.

It's been a total of 6 weeks since I've started to watch the skater and I've come to a conclusion. I'm completely fucked; I've fallen for a man that I don't know and probably won't ever know.

Today I'm sitting in my usual place, the only difference is that there is someone with the him. The man stands taller than him and sports a beard, they're both playfully jabbing at each other and; he looks even happier in this moment than he has on the skateboard. I don't have any right to feel jealous right now, but I do.

I return to the park a few days later, this time Lui and Brock are coming along. Lui is going to work on his skills, determined to finally best Evan at their competition; Brock decided to tag along so I don't feel like a hopeless idiot.

Not feeling like a hopeless idiot goes pretty well, until I notice Lui laughing with the other skater. Lui pointed at where Brock and I were sitting with a smile of his face; I could feel my face turn red as the blue hooded skater looked in our direction. He turned back to Lui and they exchanged phones before he decided to leave, waving in mine and Brock's direction.

Brock and I watch as Lui comes back over towards us, a big smile on his face. "His name is Jonathon and I'll bet you twenty dollars that he's into you!"

I sat on the same bench a few days later, wondering why Jonathon hadn't shown up in the past few days. I hope Lui didn't scare him away, telling him that I've been creepily watching him for the past month; I'll kill him if he let my embarrassing secret known.

Pulling out my phone to text Lui, I feel someone tap my shoulder. I look up to see a man with bright blue eyes and freckles dotting his pale cheeks staring at me. "You're Tyler, right?" He asks, a shy smile on his face.

"Yeah," I stand up to properly introduce myself, hoping my chance with Jonathon hasn't been fucked up yet. I'd still kill Lui, just for getting my hopes up.

Jonathon smiles up at me; he's a lot shorter than I thought, his fluffy hair probably adding an inch or two to his overall height. "I'm Jonathon, though your friend probably already mentioned that and uhm," he trails off in the middle of his sentence, rubbing the back of his neck, "Would you like to get some coffee or something with me?"

I smile widely at him, probably the happiest I've been in a few weeks, "Yeah, man, sounds great!"


Honestly, I have no idea where I was going with this. I was bored and writing has become slightly relaxing for me.

Still would appreciate any sort of constructive critism c:

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