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A/N - This story was requested by Hannah ( @oceanbreezed ) and we could not pass it up so we decided to do another collab! Jimmy Burrows took the cast to Vegas before the pilot aired so they could enjoy their last bout of anonymity. This was David and Jen's first opportunity to be around each other in a non-professional setting. Crushes had already begun developing quickly. Megan covered Jen's pov and I wrote David's pov. Hope you enjoy!

-Megan and Julia, your favorite Jenvid/Roschel writers ❤

‘I could get used to this’, she thought as she sat back in her chair. She marveled as she looked around the private jet at her new castmates who were quickly becoming her friends. She couldn’t remember a time where she had been around people that made her laugh this hard and this often, ever. Their witty banter flowed easily throughout the flight, but deep down, they were all a bit nervous because of how new and unsure the situation was. Let’s face it, pilots rarely turned into more than a few episodes. But she couldn’t ignore the excitement and hopefulness that she felt about this one. This show was different. These people were different.  

“Enjoy this trip while you can,” Jimmy Burrows said. “This will be the last time you’ll be able to walk down the street as regular people without being bombarded.”

His words elicited a chuckle amongst most of the six at first, but they soon realized that he was completely serious. She looked around at the others - they were phenomenal actors - the best she had ever worked with. She considered herself unbelievably lucky that she had been chosen to work with them. Maybe Jimmy was right. Maybe this show would make it.

 The stewardess brought over bottles of champagne and they began to pass them around and fill their glasses. David, who had been sitting beside her, locked eyes with her as he handed her the bottle. 

“Don’t drink too much.. I don’t want to be carrying you out of here!” he joked. She wasn’t sure if it was flirting, or mindless chatter, or just David, but she couldn’t help but laugh. He flashed her a boyish grin as his dark eyes peered into hers. She grabbed the bottle from his hand and felt his fingers gently graze hers during the exchange, sending a shiver down her spine.

She couldn’t remember the last time a guy had that effect on her. There was just something about David. When he looked at her, it was impossible to look away. Even when he wasn’t looking at her, she found herself looking for him and wishing that he was. 

She had been taken with him since she saw him in a play at Northwestern a few years back. She didn’t even know his name that day, but she was drawn to him, and she had no doubt he would make it big someday. Fast-forward a few years later to their first table read with the cast, and she nearly fell out of her seat when David walked in. She never dreamed she would see him again, let alone get to do a show with him. As they read through their scenes together, she felt an instant chemistry with him. She had never felt such an organic connection with another actor before. They fed off of each other so well and everything flowed naturally. Much of the time, it didn’t even feel like they were pretending to be somebody else. She could tell that the writers and producers took note because she saw them eyeing each other and whispering any time she and David read a scene together. She found herself hoping that she would have more and more scenes with him. Not because she didn’t want to work with the others, but because she felt a fire inside of her when she worked with David. He made her come alive. He made her better. 

Besides being tall, dark, and incredibly handsome, he was sweet and funny and unbelievably caring. She knew that he was invested in this show because of all the convincing it took to bring him to do it. His decision obviously wasn’t made halfway. She loved to watch him work as he was brilliantly talented. He could interpret so much more from a script than what was written. He had the rare ability to take a scene and spin it in a way that had her rolling every time. In fact, she feared that this would eventually be an issue if she couldn’t get her laughter under control. But she simply couldn’t help it. There was just something about him.

It didn’t take long for her to fall in love with the idea of Ross and Rachel. She connected so deeply to both Rachel and Ross’s character that it was second-nature to bring it to life behind the camera. She believed every bit of the unrequited love, hopeless romanticism, and the unfortunate timing… she believed all of it - she believed in them.  

“Hey Jen, are you in?”, he asked as he gently jabbed her side with his elbow. The group had started a poker game but her mind had been elsewhere.  

She cleared her throat as she was brought back to reality. “Yeah, I’m in. I’ll see your five and raise you two more.” 

Her mind struggled to focus on the cards in front of her because of the man sitting beside her. She was suddenly very aware of how close their bodies were to each other. He played it cool as he would periodically whisper a joke in her ear or playfully lean over to see her cards. She couldn’t help but giggle like a schoolgirl at his charm. The slightest movements from either of them caused their skin to brush together, and she felt every single one of them - so deeply that it burned inside of her. All she knew was that she was glad she was sitting down because the way he smiled at her made her weak. Feeling his breath against her skin as he whispered into her ear was enough to make her heart pound through her chest. All of their interactions were completely innocent, but the fact that they were in this new setting together, away from work, elicited a new level of comfort between them and she found herself becoming hopeful for what was to come. 

One thing was for sure.. 

She was crushing hard… and this was dangerous territory.

She found herself slowly and nonchalantly positioning her body closer to his, inch by inch. She didn’t want to be obvious, but she couldn’t help but try to increase her chances of feeling him brush up against her again. While their interactions were natural and nothing was forced at all between them, when it came to David, she found herself to be a bit shy. Maybe it was because her dad always warned her never to get involved with a co-star. She had already become an actress against his wishes… this might send him over the edge. 

She laid down her cards, revealing a full house that ultimately won the hand. The group threw out various comments laced with sarcasm and humor, but all she heard was David.

“Looks like Jen’s got all the luck. I know who I’ll be hanging out with tonight!”

She knew he was referring to their future ventures in the casinos, but she couldn’t help but wonder if his words meant more. A grin spread across her face as she rolled her eyes and playfully nudged his arm.


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