THe only part.

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(heads up I wrote this really wuickly at a late hour were i shouldve beeen asleep but rip im awkae writing this sorry for unreadable words lol, also they asked me too i donmt rmember the reason but they indeed did haha *sweats*)

Hinas POV

I awoke from my rest and pull out bed. It was cool winter morning, and the cold withering snow was entering through my window. The drapes were flowing very slowly and it looked beautiful. I let the snow land ever so graciously over my skin. The scenery was out of this world. It felt amazing. Still wearing a nightgown, and having my hair still parted unevenly due to last nights rest, I lean upon the window sill. I gaze upon everything. The cloudy skies and wonderful white magic fly and dance around me. Despite being on the third floor, I slowly fall to the floor outside. I walk, run, fall and rest in the snow. Treading and treading, and finally my slipper-less feet start to redden. I keep on going. I make it to the cities park. My cold, sad, city didnt have the best atmosphere, but it was quiet today. The telephone lines were covered in snow and the benches and pathways were coated with a white blanket. The fountain is on despite it often freezing during this time and the city having to come and fix it up again. The waters flowing, and in the distance, I see a figure. Longer hair, and in sleep clothes, all jumbled up and looking like they didnt pay any mind to their appearance. I wondered if they were wandering out in the clouds of snow alike I. Approaching with the snow crushing under my footsteps slowly, I notice the figure has their legs incased in the water from the flowing fountain. Despite the cold and chill they must be feeling right now, they seemed to enjoy it somehow.. The closer and closer I got I found them familiar. It turns out its a classmate of mine. I stopped and smiled, calling out their name,


Adams POV

I look up to see my classmate, Hina. What were they doing here? I arose from my seat in the fountain, and realized I must look like a fool right now. I'm still in my night-wear, without my hair fixed up and I'm in a fountain on a cold winter day. I respond, 

"Hina! What are you doing here?" 

"I could ask you the same, its the middle of winter, why are you out in your pajamas??"

"You talk as if you aren't wearing the same as I". 

I go back to being seated and tap the edge of the fountain signaling Hina to sit. It seems they havent found out about why I'm in the fountain, since they sit on the opposite side, legs facing outside the border of it.  

"Hina, turn around".

"Huh, what is it?"

"Turn around and put your legs in, I can tell their cold," before finishing, I got cut off.

"Thats some bizarre request, the fact that you just acknowledged I'm cold and told me to go in probably freezing water in the winter, are you out of your mind?" 
"Turn around and look already!"

Hina turns around to look, legs still outside the fountain, and his eyes widen.

"Its.. Steaming..?" He asked puzzled..

"Since its winter, they started running warm water throughout the fountain so it doesn't freeze and can remain on. Isn't that great? " 

Hina then turned around and sat the same way as me. Both of us enjoying the warmth of the water on our legs countering the cold our backs, faces and arms felt.

Hinas POV

I talk to Adam for a bit and it seems he wandered away from home out of his bedroom window. Quite the coincidence hm? It started to get a little bit darker as we both woke up quite late. I noticed that the warm water wasnt helping either of us at this point. I brought it up to him that we should start heading elsewhere, and he agreed. We started walking to a store nearby, to shelter from the snow. Walking in, without anything but pajamas, we sheltered from the cold, in the warm bakery. The sign in the window read "April's Homemade Treats". What we presumed was the owner of the bakery, walked in due to the bell ringing when we walked in. 

"Rough weather out there hm..?"

A shorter, younger woman, with blonde hair in a bun on her head, and round bubbly glasses on the bridge her nose, walks in with a tray of warm thick chocolate chip cookies. 

"April?" I question. 

"Hina! My lovely younger cousin. What are you doing here?"

"Well, um.. I was just strolling around in the snow, when I found one of my friends, and we both ended up getting cold.." 

"So I presume you came you came in here to take shelter from the harsh conditions out there? "

"Yeah, we weren't going to buy anything, I was hoping whoever's shop we walked into wouldnt mind with the conditions out.."

"Well, since you walking into your amazing older cousins bakery, I dont mind if you guys have  have some treats n goodies!"

"Oh! So, I guess I should tell you who this is, this is my friend, Adam, from school," 

Adam waved at April, with a soft, warm smile on his face. 

"Alrighty, you guys can sit wherever, is there anything you guys want specifically?" 

"Oh! Uh, I like strawberry shortcake.. Adam, anything you want specifically?"

"I'll take anything, but if you have cheesecake, Id like some, I havent indulged in it for a while. " 

April nodded and headed through the door besides the two glass cases filled with deserts of all sorts of sweets, some I couldn't even name. 

"Ive never seen this many sweets in my life.. Theres so many" 

"Aprils an amazing cook, she's not even limited to sweets, she makes amazing entrées too.  She went to a school just to specialize making dishes. Id aspire to even reach any sort of level to be her equal when it comes to cooking"

"I think you have it in you to be an amazing cook. You have the ability to put your mind to things and focus. You'd be an amazing cook for your future family too!" 

Adam then gave me a toothy grin, and got up from leaving towards the glass cases. He grabbed my wrist to lead me to the corner booth, with a giant window too look out at the empty, white city. His palm. Warm. Soft. 

We sat at the window in silence for a bit. Adam, with his chin resting in his palm, didn't bother making small talk. I was fine with it. I examined his side profile, as he stared out into the window. April walked out of the small kitchen, with plates and silverware in hand. 

"Alrighty here it is! Hope ya enjoy." 

Adam and I examined the plates in-front of us and gave our thanks. 

"Thanks April, It looks splendid." Adam says.
"Yeah, thanks April, it looks sweet!" I say, giving a thumbs up. 

After we ate, April sat down with us and we all had a chat until weather outside died down. 

"Alrighty kids, you should start heading back. I'm gonna close up the shop and head home myself, need a ride? " 

"No worries, I know my way around the city. " Adam states. 

"I, I uh, I guess I can get home myself too..?" 

"If you need me to, I can bring you home, I know how to get there from here." Adam says with a soft smile on his face. 

"Are you sure you guys are fine? I'd feel bad if I don't take you home when you really need it. " April questions.

"Yeah, were good." Adam says.

"Alright, have a nice night kids, if you ever need anything, or well, any food, give me a call." 

"Thanks April!" Adam and I say in unison. 

Walking out of Aprils storm is when we fully realize how much it snowed. Should we have gone with April? Na, Adams taking me home. We're good. Most of the way there was silent until we got to the end. 

"Hey Hina, are you perhaps interested in anyone at the moment..?"

What. What..? Am I? Is he interested..? I mean, I've always felt that Adam was more then a friend to me. Is he even confessing? I shouldn't get ahead of myself. What do I say??

"I uh, yeah, I am."

"May I know who?? Oh! Or do you want me to guess?? We can make a fun game out of it maybe."


"Yeah! So uh, every name we get wrong, is an initial that adds to who you like, and uh, vise versa. For example, if I guess, Ethan, and Ethan isn't the right answer, I would say like, b or something, if my crushes name was Ben or something. Y'know?" 

Ok. That doesn't seem to bad, and were not that far away from home. Maybe we can not finish and completely ignore this happened next time we see each other at school. 

"Yeah sure" I say.

"You try and guess first!" Adam says with a grin. 

"Ok, um.. I'd say Sorin?? Childhood best friends and all. I know you fall for friends easily." 

"Hey! I do not. And no, its not Sorin, we broke up ages ago, it didn't work out. So say your initial now! "

M is a weird letter that you cant link to 'Adam'. Ill save 'a' for last since he basically only has three letters in his name.


"Oooh, okay.. Well I say Morgan! Because of the m, and because you practically drool over them every time you see them. " 

Oh. Why didn't I think of Morgan? I do think of Adam and Morgan on an equal note.. Who do I like more?? Should I just say yeah and get it over with? I don't want to break his heart though. Or make it seem like I'm out of reach for him. Maybe we could really have a chance. 

"Nope, your initial?" 

"Really? Hm, I guess I have to try harder, my initial is 'I'." Adam then put a finger on his chin as if to show he's thinking real hard about his next answer. 

"I?? Alright, Moggy then. Well, Miguel I guess, not his nickname." 

"What?? No, Moggy and I just have the same taste in really bad humor.. I guess you could see romanticism in that..? But no, its not Miguel." He says. 

"Alright, my initial is D." 

Yes! Were getting close to my house, this game can end soon.

"D and M?? What the fuck man those are so random, heh." 

Ironic coming from someone with those letters in their name.  


Oh na bro. I KNOW I did not just say that aloud. 

"My name?" 

"Well since its so ironic, I say me, Adam." 

Oh. I'm screwed. Were so close to my house. I started to pick up the pace, and Adam also follows quickly after me. 

"Dude, cmon, if im wrong, you got like, 2/4 of the initials of mine. "

Were outside my door. 

"H-how about we finish this game another day, no?? "


"Bye Adam!" 

I stepped into the entry way to my apartment. Adam still facing behind me. 

"By the way, you were right." 

I quickly shut the door and ran up the stairs to my apartment.  When I got into my room, regret piled in me, what if I wasn't even his love interest in the first place? I should've never agreed to this.  

"na! ina!! Hina!!! " 

What?? That was Adam. I rush to my window and slam it open.
"I have something to say!!" He yells with his hands cupping the sides of his mouth.

"What??" I shout leading on the window sill.

"My crush is someone named Hina!" 


---no pov---

Adam then ran away and out of Hina's sight. Hina wonders if he heard right. Maybe he would ask Adam at school.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2022 ⏰

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