late night cudles

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Hello guys thus book is going to be only artino you can request somting elso tho aslong as it tff releted and it wil then not be pistrd in this book but in one of my other books you can leave a request here or in my request book
I hope you enjoy it (this was my idee)

This video contains:
-panic attake


"..." = talking
'...' = thinking
*...* = somthing happening
___ = timeskip or end of begin or end
~~~ = pov switch

Artemis pov:

I was desining in the middel of the night i think it was around 3 A.M.
Lately i have been having nightmares and there always the same i wake up in the middle of the night because of it and i can't go back to sleep afterwords 'ugh' i think while getting up from my chair (let's just pretend artemis has a desk and a chair to do homework and designs) but because i'm so clumpsy i tripped over my own feet i fell to the ground with a loud thud 'might aslwel get a glass of water and try to sleep again' i walked down stairs to be suddenly blinded by a blinding light


Shino's pov:

I heard from upstairs 'is everyting ok with artemis why is he up at *picks up phone and looks at it* 3 AM oh no not on my watch' i thougt while getting out of bed and walking upstaurs with my flasgligjt from my phone u then flashed my ligjt at somoane they get blinded by the light and placed their hand infront off their eyes "a-ah" theh said i took a closer look and saw that it was artemis i let my flashlight shine at the ground so i could look artemis in the eyes "what are you still doing up it's 3AM" I said with stern (did i spel it right) in my voice and looking right into their purple eyes "i-i couldn't sleep" he answerd me "then why didn't you say anything i would have helped you sleep" i said in a soft tone "i-i .... don't want to g-go to s-sle-sleep again" he said with a sad tone in their voice "why is that" i asked now kind of concernd "i-i don't want to have that nightmare again" he said now with tears in their eyes "about what is that nightmare you don't have to answer if you don't want to" i said sligtly concernd but with a calm voice "i-i-" he didn't even say a word but he was paniking a lot ha started ro breath verry heavy and started to cry i knew he was having a panik attake right now so i laid his haid in my lap (they are now sitting on the bed) and started to play with his hair wich actely calmed him down "shhh breath in and out don't worry i'm here for you" i said he eventely starded to completely calm down and sat up after that we talked for a few minets or even a few hours later we totely lost track of time we fall asleep cuddeling each other.

The next day:

Rikku's pov:

I woke up a litle later todat then normal, I went downstares only to see nobady, 'that's strange, normaly atleast one of the 2 is already awake and it was stil to early to head to school and otherwise there would always be a note on the frigde if they already left....hmmm' i thougt "maybe i should chek there rooms to see if i'm not the only one who overslept today" i said to myself and walked back downstairs i knoked on shino's door.... no respond i opend it and no one 'okay now i'm freaking out a bit where was he' without thinking i ran upstairs to artemis' room i opend the door to see artemis cuddeling shino 'SO CUTE OMG I HAVE TO TAKE A PICTURE OF THIS' I quiqly took out my phone and ttook a lot of pictures to show shuzu and clover then i also realised that were going to be late if they dudn't waje up now 'but i don't want to wake th up but if i don't weke them up then they are going to be late and they would be mad at me for not waking them up or maybe the teacher wil also be mad .... ughhh'
I decided to just wake them but stil in a fun way *clears throut* "WAKE UP LOVEBIRDS" I yelled as loud as i could "AHHH OMG S-SHINO I-I'M S-O S-SO SO SORRY" artemis practely just yelled i quiqly ran back downstares after a few seconds i saw shino running downstares.

Few minets later:

Pov: artemis

We were al done and we were now walking to school "so when were you going to tell me you guys were dating" rikku asked with a lenny face "A-AH what w-we a-are-aren't dating"i repleid i mentely slapped my self for stuttering 'now there's no way she's going to beleve me and i was telling the truth we aren't dating but why do i feel like i wish we were dat- no i'm just overtinking all of this'i thougt to myself now we are infront of the school gates and- 'wait where was rikku' "shino where did rikku go"i asked"oh welcome back, and she went with shizu and clover to class already" shino answerd "ok....... wait" i said realising somting "hmmm is there somting wrong arty" shino said "didn't rikku take a photo of us...-" i said trailing of at the and "RIKKU"
I hope you guys enjoyed
Have a good day/night

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19, 2022 ⏰

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