Information and Part 1

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Blake will be played by Sebastian Stan
Info on Blake:
Blake isn't shy but isn't loud sometimes he'll talk his own opinion it depends on who it is Blake also hates fights he always had and always will normally when fights start near him either he can walk away himself or Izzy, Arthur or chop gets him away from the situation Blake Is normally kind he would do anything for his friends they also know about his past of self harm they also know he's openly gay Archie and Blake are quite close they're like brothers Blake's style is soft boy normally sometimes skater boy Blake also has slight anxiety they all know about it Archie, Izzy, chop or Finn normally give them his hand for him to play with it calms him down they do it at school all the time he gets bullied quite badly but won't tell them who
(I will bring in new characters as bullies they also go to school)

Blake POV
I was sitting in Big Wide World which is the pub me and the group go to I was waiting for them to come in it was a cold day so I was wearing an oversized hoodie, jeans and some vans I felt loads of people staring at me so I put up my hood I hated being stared at I hated loads of attention on me I felt someone sit next to me they wrapped their arm around and whispered into my ear "they're not looking anymore it's ok" I recognised it as Chop I put my hood down and saw everyone I smiled at them on my other side it was Izzy opposite me was Finn next to him was Archie who was talking to chop and the Chloe I heard some shouting outside but I ignored it and just smiled at Finn he looked a bit distracted I know his grandma hadn't been well recently I grabbed his hand that brought him out of his little trance "you ok Finn" "I'm alright I suppose are you" "yeah I'm alright" "good" the people that were shouting came in they just got louder Finn turned around and glared at them chop turned to me "Blake are you ok do you want to leave" "uhhh no if an actual fight breaks out then yeah" he nodded just as I said something a fight did break out right near us I noticed one of them as one of my bullies he noticed me is well and smirked I kind was only focusing on him noticing his smirk I know that smirk it's the one he always does when he is about to beat me up I heard someone shout me I didn't realise it was Archie"BLAKE let's get you out of here" I didn't move or say anything I felt myself get lifted up it was Finn he carried me out placing me on a bench "Blake look at me" he tilted my head upwards so I was looking at him "I need you to copy my breathing your gonna be ok I'm here" he whipped away the tears falling from my eyes he took my hands in his I was shaking quite badly mostly because I was scared my breathing went back to normal but I was still scared Archie, chop, Izzy and Chloe came out Chloe looked jealous I had my head on Finns shoulder he was kind of supporting me Finn smiled down at me "let's get you home yeah" I nodded we started walking slowly just to make sure I was ok with walking chop was on my other side of me Chloe was still jealous chop then asked "who do you want to ride with me, Finn or Archie" "can I ride with Finn" Chloe was not happy we got to the bikes I got on behind Finn and we started to drive away I saw Rae and my mum Chloe got off her bike to talk to Rae I just shook my head and sat on Finns bike

My mad fat diary|| Finn x Rae brother Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora