Dionysus is Dead

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After playing his part in Metatron's little script to get Castiel to become some new leader for the angels or whatever, Gabriel ran. It's all he knows, and he's good at it. But running doesn't mean he has to live in a lone cabin in the woods or some abandoned warehouse. No. He's an archangel for Heaven's sake. He can afford the best.

And that's how he met her.

There's a high-end club for all things supernatural in Nashville if you know where to look. There's ghouls, vampires, shifters, and everything in between. Gabriel likes it because no one asks who you are. No one cares either.

She's a witch, that much he can tell. But the power coming off of her is...well, he can't resist. She's stunning, too. Her silky midnight blue dress accents all of her curves, and her long red hair makes her stick out amongst the group of people she's with. More witches. But not like her. Not even close. There's a pause in their conversation, and she goes to the bar. This is his chance.

Gabriel sidles up next to her, giving her his best smirk. Her eyes flick over him for half a second.

"Can I help you?" Her Scottish accent is unmistakable.

He tries to catch her gaze. "I want to buy you a drink."

She still doesn't look at him when she answers, "I'll never say no to that." She grabs the bartender's attention. "My usual, please," she orders with a bright smile. She finally turns to Gabriel. Her gaze is still dismissive, but she hasn't waved him off just yet.

He offers her his hand. "Dionysus."

Interest sparks in her eyes, lighting them dangerously as she shakes his hand. "A Greek god? In these parts?"

Gabriel shrugs nonchalantly. "What can I say? Country music grew on me."

She finally smiles. "I'm Rowena."

"Nice to meet you, Rowena."

Naturally, they hit it off. Giving details about his persona as Dionysus is easy. Gabriel's been to plenty of parties to tell those types of stories, and he actually knew Dionysus before he died. Rowena buys it, and definitely seems interested in him. Or "Dionysus." Whoever he is now. It doesn't matter. Just as long as it isn't Gabriel. No one likes that jackass. Hell, Gabriel doesn't even like Gabriel.

He can't ignore the accent anymore and asks if she's from Scotland. She says yes and that launches her into this big rant about the Grand Coven. Gabriel knows the Grand Coven. Anyone who knows anything knows about the Grand Coven. But he didn't realize how powerful they still were. He thought the Men of Letters had all but wiped them out. Apparently not. And apparently Rowena has beef with them.

"We could visit them right now," Gabriel suggests before taking a long sip of whiskey. "Teach 'em a lesson. I could get us there. I'm a god after all."

Rowena leans in, immediately hooked. "Right now?"

Gabriel smirks. "Right now."

"Shouldn't we get some weapons? Spells? Hexes?"

He shrugs. "Nah. Surprise is all we'll need if you're half as good as I think you are."

She likes the compliment and grins. "Alright, then. What are we waiting for?"

It's all a rush after that. The Grand Coven is surprised, and he and Rowena take them by storm. She's absolutely insane, and it's sexy as hell. Gabriel knows he's in trouble, but he can't not get into this. He's always been attracted to danger and things angels shouldn't be into, and Rowena is the definition of everything he should stay away from. And he's drawn in like a moth to a flame.

They're both covered in blood, and Gabriel is still high on the thrill of taking down the Coven when Rowena grabs the front of his shirt and pushes him against the wall. Her eyes are alight with desire and something dark that only older beings possess. He leans in to kiss her, but she grabs his hair and yanks it back, so he's completely backed into the wall.

There's something about letting someone else take control that drives Gabriel nuts, but in the fun way. The really fun way. He supposes it might stem from being an archangel and having to be in control and composed for thousands of years. He absolutely hated that part of himself. He likes going with the flow and letting others make the hard choices for him. Who knew being an angel would make him so kinky?

But he's completely taken with Rowena that he doesn't see the angel blade until it's poking into his neck, not quite breaking his skin. His blood runs cold, and his heart drops to his stomach, but he tries to play it off.

Gabriel chuckles. "What are you doing?"

The darkness in Rowena's eyes grows. "Who are you?"

"I told you. Diony—"

Rowena pushes the blade harder against his throat. "I think we both know Dionysus died over a hundred years ago."

Well, shit.

She repeats her question. "Who are you?"

Gabriel studies her a moment. Her gaze is unwavering. "You knew this whole time." She'd been playing him.

She laughs. "Of course I did. I'm not stupid."

He continues to watch her. "No, no. That's not it. ...You're a liar too."

"I suppose it does take one to know one," she chimes. Then sobers. The blade presses in harder. "Who. Are. You."

He considers trying to escape, or conjuring up some trick, but he hadn't anticipated any of this. He's completely caught off-guard. And, honestly, he's panicking a little. "Gabriel," he finally says through gritted teeth.

He feels completely laid bare. As if his name tells her his entire life's story. Which it kind of does. But it's as if she can see all his faults and insecurities now. He hates it. He hates himself.

Rowena laughs. The sound bounces around the empty hallway. "The archangel?" she asks in amusement. She doesn't believe him.

"Yeah." It's all he can say.

Her eyebrows pinch together. "Wait...really? You are the real Gabriel? The one in the Bible?"

He rolls his eyes. "Yeah, I'm that guy."

"Oh." She eyes him. "You're short."

He glares. "My true form is bigger than Chicago."

Something sparks in her eyes. "Really? Tell me more. Are you as powerful as they say?"

"No. Even more."

Rowena grins then bites her lip. "Interesting." She suddenly steps back, releasing his hair and removing the blade. "I'm ready to return now." She holds out an arm as if he's about to escort her to a ball.

Gabriel blinks, still processing the sudden change. "Return?"

"To the bar. I didn't finish my drink." Her arm is still out.

He slowly takes a step over to her and eyes her cautiously. "Why are you doing this?"

She sighs in exasperation and drops her arm. "Doing what?"

"Having a drink with me—or, going to have a drink with me."

Rowena stares at him as if he's missed something big. "You're Gabriel! The archangel from the Bible!"


She rolls her eyes. "Everyone knows Gabriel is sexier than Dionysus. I'd rather have you be my eye-candy than some Greek god." She says "Greek god" as if it's an insult.

Gabriel still isn't sure what's happening, but he's in for the ride. Rowena is definitely way too much for him to handle, and that's exactly why he reaches his arm out and flies them back to Tennessee.

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