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Few minutes passed by. "Has there been any suspicious activity that has been going on in this room ever since you've moved in?" one of the men asked me. I responded, "It has been 4 years. Nothing weird. But a few days ago, when I was talking to my friends about rings and jewellery, I felt slight rumbling under this room. I thought it maybe the construction work was what was causing this." Once again, they looked at each other and one of them said, "Wait a minute.. maybe that's the secret code! Tell us more." I was so demented, "Before I tell you anything else, can either of you please tell me what is going on here?! Second of all, who are you guys?!!".

They explained to me, "You see, we are investigators from the enchanted underworld. I'm Adonis, and this is Amphion." "No way... this isn't funny! I'm going to call the cops if you don't let me free" I stated. "We aren't playing! Here... I can even make an object float across the room." Amphion uttered. It was far-fetched! Amphion and Adonis made one of my glass showpieces fly across the room! Shockingly I said, "Unbelievable! Wow... this is so cool! But seriously, why are you here? I have nothing to do with your so called under world."

"Before we tell you anything, come with us. Never tell anyone about this." Adonis whispered to me. "But.. umm.. What do I tell to my pare-" interrupting me, they both transformed them selves into their normal features, elves with a body of other critters! Adonis said, "It's time".

"I won't, I won't! But can you please tell me why have you brought me here?" I asked with a doubt. Amphion told me, "We had gotten a report from the council department, reporting that the 'Ring of Gyges' was sensed active and had caused destruction in a few other parts of the world." I responded understanding nothing," 'The Ring of Gyges'? What on earth is that?!".

Amphion elucidated again," You see, 'The Ring of Gyges' belonged to Gyges, who was a shepherd in the service of the king of Lydia. He found a ring, which turned him invisible when he twisted it onto his finger. Gyges used this power of invisibility to commit unjust acts; he seduced the queen and then worked with her to create a plan to kill the king, and take over the kingdom."

"Woah! But I still don't get why I'm here." I said not knowingly. Amphion continued, "When we found out The Ring of Gyges was active again, using our marsometer, a compass category device, it led us right to your address in your room. We have a feeling it maybe located under your room." It made a perception because past few days there has been a slight disturbance in my room.

Quest of the Ring of GygesWhere stories live. Discover now