Chapter 1

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Drip drip...I looked up to the sky to see "rain" .The sky was dark, filled with large drounes, some bigger than others.One's were droping small amounts of toxic water over the citie's, the other's cleaning the air making it breathable. I was wearing a rain coat, it was specillay made for the toxic unclean water that was later filterd at the city dame.All of our natrual resources were used up about a decade ago. We only had the ocean water...if u can call it an ocean anymore. So many missel test's were done, so much toxic waste from citie's was spilled in there, that it became this green and slimey sort of mudy water that it came to no use for us humans until 20 years ago, when they found out a way to filter that water.Anytime a strong city alarm goes on it means its going to rain soon, warning citisenz to put on they're rain coats.
Maybe i should of introduced myself first, my name is Lucy. I was born at a break of "HE" wich stands for what we humans call, "Humanity's End". Meanig i was one of the, i quote "children of the future", who will work to make this world a better place.One important fact i forgot to mention is , we found them. Them who had waited humanity's end, to take over...who knows they might be the cause of every war, every fight and every disaster that has storke man kind.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30, 2015 ⏰

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