The Good Life

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I think I can always find something to complain in my life. As a matter of fact, I never really connected to my biological family. They are very nice and comprehensive, but they are not like me... They do not know what it was to feel the wolf inside wanting to get out, to howl to the moon and to run in the woods. I think I never said it but...

> "A therian's most precious moments are the ones when it's wild self can escape the limits imposed by today's society..." <
- Arleksy (If this quote was created by anyone else, tell me in the comments please!)

My name is Alexander. My human self shares the space with a wolf mind. This is my Wolven Mind.

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It was a raining night, in a forest. From the point of view that I was having, I knew it was a wolf that this view belonged to. In front of the wolf, well, me, there was a tall man that was swaying a burning torch in it's direction, trying to distance the wolf from something that the wolf wanted so badly, something that was behind the man. There was a commotion behind it, as yelps, growls but also whines were heard. I was sure, if not certain, that it was the wolf's family. The wolf could not get close to the torch, it was causing the wolf to since whenever he would try to close the distance between the man and him, and trying to leap around past him would not work.
The man slowly backed up, holding the torch pointed towards the wolf, and finally he departed. Racing back to it's den, the wolf found it empty. I could feel it's sadness, it's anger. Yet, the home was still filled with the scents of his kin. The wolf turned his gaze to pick up the track of his kin. The man was responsible for it. He took a decision. With determination it followed the scent, but unfortunately, the scents came to a dead end, near the border of an unpaved road. The man was gone, with the wolf's family.

The sweet melody of my phone's alarm waked me up, and I was all confused at first. Opening my eyes, I felt like a pain in my head. That was a first time that I had this dream, but not the first time I had a dream where I was the wolf. That threw me off. The emotion that the wolf felt stayed in my mind. I sighed and turned off the alarm, putting my head in my hands. It was way too early for this. But I had to get up and get ready to go to college. I stood up and changed clothes. It was still a little dark outside, but it did not matter to me. I put on a blue jean, light grey socks and a shirt. before taking my phone. Winter was felt but not seen; the snow was not here yet, but it had freeze during the night.

Making as little sound as I could, I got down to eat breakfast. My father was already at work and my mother was most likely still sleeping. It was a Tuesday so I was waking up early to go to school. I took my phone and went on Nyveren. It was a texting app, I had meet some friends online that were feeling the same kind of experiences as I was.

[Today at 6:45] - Arleksy
Had a very weird dream last night...

[Today at 6:45] - Summer
Oh? What kind of dream?

That's how I told my last night dream. Summer didn't answer immediately. I took a bowl of cereal and poured milk before the app notified me.

[Today at 6:46] - Penguin-Star
Man, that's a hell of a dream ya got there. Am a little jealous, won't lie

[Today at 6:46] - Summer
It is interesting... You think it could be a past life memory maybe?

Past life, huh? Hmm... I wasn't sure. There was two types. Psychological therians and Spiritual therians. Without going in-depth about their signification, the Psychological therian is the one that experiences psychological experiences, and the Spiritual therian will be the one that therianothropy is from past life, misplaced soul, etc. Psychological therian was more of the mind, while the Spiritual one was more of the soul. While the two concepts were two different things, both "types" could experience shifts. Although, I did question the possibility of being a Spiritual therian, but in my opinion, what i was feeling was more of the psychological therian than anything else. I typed my answer.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29 ⏰

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