The task 0.1

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Art from Suwa on Twitter (not the cover of the book, credits to the person who made the cover because I found it on Pinterest and it never showed me who made it)
This is all from my imagination... I haven't watched the streams about Lmanburg so sorry 😞. Please notify me if there is a mistake or I need to rewrite it! TYSM


Today was the day to be freed from the dream SMP. We were all gathered in a meeting house, we were all sitting in an oval-shaped form. I was staring at Tommy who was complaining.

"These bitches are so goddam slow!"

"Oh shut up Tom-"

The door opened.

Tommy shuts up and then a trio joins us. The dream team. Dream was sitting right next to me. We wrote them a letter saying, 'please do not wear armor or bring weapons' 

"Soooo we want independence from your SMP"


"Thanks, WAIT WHAT"

I looked at Eret with a death stare. Don't yell, luckily Dream was ok with it because he just giggled a little.

"What's the catch"

Dream never let something like this slide by.


There was a silence

"There is a childhood friend of mine I want you to find, perhaps kill them? Do what you do. But you cannot weaken the dream team."

I feel dream's warm hand near my chest.

"Buttttt why not you find them?"

I glare at Tommy.

"What? I'm just saying. Hey, when Wil gives us looks, it seems he is protecting dream."

I feel the tip of my ear gets warm.

"What the hell"

"Yup no way"

I look at dream and shake my head. I had feelings for him, but right now is not a good time... he looks at me and shakes his head. I couldn't see if he was disgusted or if he was fine with this, he had a round-shaped mask that covers his face completely with a smiley face on it.


Dream sounded embarrassed, nobody noticed.

"Technoblade will give you an unknown location to go and find them"

Sapnap growled. He must be p!ssed because he doesn't know anything.

"Why technoblade?"

"Because he was a friend of mine and the person you are finding as well..."

Silence filled up the room

"Lovely meeting, if you all have any questions call me or text me. Sapnap and George, let me explain to you later"

All of us stood up and said bye to each other. The Dream team left and there was a slightly loud slam on the door. I slump back in my chair,


"Wilbur, you know who it is, right? I mean, you been with technoblade and Dream a lot..."

I shake my head,

"If I knew, I would tell you all, but I don't"

Tommy yelled saying, "Hey! If we find this person, we could kill them and maybe we CAN weaken the Dream team!" I smile at the idea, but I feel guilty for Dream, he is friends with them... BUT we need our freedom.

525 words
Hi everyone!
So I might not finish this book until the 4th of March 2022...

Twists and turns / read description  (Dreambur rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now