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There are many stories. So many, that I can't count them myself, either. Stories, where humans fight against an evil force. Stories, where humans suffer an unavoidable death. Stories, where the story itself is unclear. There are many stories and most of them serve the purpose to amuse us; to remind us of our inner self, our personality, our dreams and where we belong to. Stories tell us about the world, humans, morals, dreams. Who are we? And why are we 'Who'? Do stories help us - so that we can seek these questions? I don't know, and maybe I will never find the right answer. The answer - for all I was living for.

This is my story. A story about a life, that didn't go very well. I suffered. I lost. I saw. I went. But despite these negative experiences, I earned a great reward. I received joy, friends and family. I earned the biggest prize mankind can imagine and offer: a life.

Prologue: A Lifeless One

It was a regular summer evening in Japan. Our story took place a few miles away from the big commercial city of Tokyo in a little village nearby, almost completely hidden. Nobody knew the name of it, but that was alright. For the residents it was only a place where they eat and sleep. Nothing that should be personalized very much, because most of them worked in Tokyo: the place, where they spent most of their lifetime. So, it wasn't necessary to personalize their sleeping place too - they lived in Tokyo. The houses in this village weren't that spectacular, either. Imagine a tiny little house, where nothing is special about it – then you have a glimpse how this village really looked. It was a place you could enjoy when you crammed in your memory and remember that such a 0815 place really existed. But why should you do this when ther are many other, so much better alternatives out there? Only the residents knew about their uncalled, unnamed home.

In a little side street lived an old couple – Mister and Miss Rainworth. They were immigrants from the USA. 40 years ago they came from Los Angeles to Tokyo after their company, Wool Redstock, lost its face due to the scandal of children working for them. It was a horrible time for the Rainworths. After the scandal went into the media, they fled to Asia, assuming that they could build up another company with the same concept because they knew that childrens work was legit in these unknown lands. Nevertheless, they couldn't try it ever again. The bleeding money was a thing that they couldn't handle easily. After they came to Japan, Tokyo, they decided to earn money with other work to pay their debts back and to refund their lives as soon as possible. Harald Rainworth accepted a position as a miner in a nearby mine and Elza Rainworth worked as a cleaning woman for several companies in Tokyo. These weren't the best jobs you can get, but it was well earned money through hard work – a big contrast comparing this with their previous life. 5 years ago they finally paid their debts completely back and saved enough money to life their granted lives for the rest of their lifetime again. It was a long, long rehabilitation for them. Nobody guessed that these friendly, elderly people had such a dark past about abusing children. No human cares about the past of it's neighbour. But wasn't that dangerous? Wasn't this the reason why there are so many crimes? ‚Never guessed', ‚Nice person', ‚Good reputation'. These were the statements that came first when a crime occured. And most of the time humans can't predict crimes. They are limited, because the other human is a happy nice person, so he or she wasn't the culprit. Nice - a wall that you can never take down, regardless how often you try it. The Rainworths were, of course, very nice people. When you met them, they asked you about life, god and the world around, and seemed very interested in you. But was it real? No, it was lie. They asked you first about these topics, because they thought their lives were so much more interesting than yours, so you should go on with the introduction, before the real content, their lives, took place. It was terrible act, but legit. It doesn't change their reputation, because no one didn't have a clue that it was a bad or evil intention. It was normal and many people used this concept to express theirselfs to society. Altough, they were nice people.

The neighborhood of the Rainworths assumed that they only lived alone in their house. But that was also a lie. Deep down, in the basement of the house, covered in a fake dark world, lived another person. A young man, who was forgotten. Forgotten by society. Forgotten by nature. Forgotten by life. Nobody had a clue that this young man was here. Because the Rainworths were nice people. Because they smiled at you each day. So, they would have never guessed that they held a young man, a child, in prison. He was around 17 years old, tiny and slim. Never guessed, that this black haired young man with pure brown eyes waited for a way to break out to achieve his one and only dream: seeking a life.

Chapter One: A Dark One

The young man didn't knew about himself very much. It all started 5 years ago. 5 years ago the young man, named Jonathan, lived a normal life. He was the grandson of the Rainworths and both of them cared about him very much. Kindergarten, school, friends. Jonathan had it all. Of course he hadn't that many friends due his shy behavior, but he was happy all along. Suddenly after that, all went down.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 18, 2021 ⏰

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