Stay with me

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Your name is Eridan Ampora, and you are slowly freezing to death.

How did this come to be? Well, your science stick malfunctioned and obliterated your hive. You went to Feferis hive to see if she'd let you stay, but she cast you out. Your wandering around now, and even though Seadwellers can handle the cold, you can't be out in it for very long. You are cold blooded, which means you need heat to survive. And right now, being out in the snow and freezing rain, is not helping your case.

You stumble, numbly, into an allyway and fall to the ground. Your partially covered from the freezing rain, but your still wet and the wind coming through the ally is making you colder. You pull your cape around your body, the shaking stopped long ago, trying to conserve any heat you can get. Your eyes begin to slip closed, and you don't really fight. You figured this would happen.

You blink your eyes open, an odd warmth settling over you. When your vision clears, you see a beautiful blue sky above you. You stand smiling, and look around. There's a beautiful field surrounding you. You wonder how you got here "Eridan?" You spin around hearing your name and grin "Hey Sol, wwhats up?" He smiles at you "I thaved your athth. Thatth what." You laugh "Yea, thanks for that." He shrugs "No problem. Tho, how did that happen?" Your smile falls a bit "Science stick malfunctioned. It bleww my house apart, I asked Fef if I could stay wwith her but..." Sollux smiled "Oh well. Thtay with me Erii." You grin and take his hand "I wwill."

"What the hell is this?" Shuffling of feet against the side walk "I dunno. Is it dead?" Poking at a cape of purple, frosted over in beautiful patterns "Looks like it. Leave it. I'd rather not be blamed for the death of a high blood, thank you very much." Gravel crunching as another approached, awoken by the sudden commotion "Whatth all the hubbub about?" A snort from a shuffle. "A dead sea dweller." There was one glance. And that was all the yellow blood needed "ERIDAN! NO!"

Stay with me   onesided ErisolWhere stories live. Discover now