It's Always Been You

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Dekus POV

Kachhan has been ignoring me for days and I don't know what I did wrong. He's also been acting weird ever since we were training.


"Good job young Miydora!" All Might praised at me. I've been working on getting better control of my powers.

"Yeah you're doing great Deku!" Uraraka said. She ran up to me and gave me a hug.

"Thanks," I smiled at her. She's always so kind to me, ever since we met. I could feel a weird glare towards me but I ignored it.

Soon enough Tysuu and Denki came up to us to talk about how much we've improved in training. Denki is finally able to produce more electricity before short circuiting.

"Yo Bakugo!" Denki shouted at the angry blonde.
"Come over here and join us!"

"In your dreams sparky," Kachhan yelled back at us.

He went back to using his explosion quirk to blow up giant rocks. I couldn't help but stare at him until I noticed a giant rock that was close to hitting him. He wasn't paying any attention to it.

"Kachhan!" I yelled and without a thought I used my quirk to rush over to him and quickly move him out of the way.

"What the hell did you do that for, I was going to be fine!" He yelled at me. He looked flustered.

"I didn't want you to get hurt."

"I didn't ask for your help, Deku so leave me alone," he turned and walked away. 

*End of Flashback*

That was the last interaction I had with him. Whenever he sees me looking at him he moves out of my sight or just straight up walks away. It's frustrating.

I was currently walking to my room when I realized I was close to Kacchans room.
I walked up to the door.

Should I?  I thought.

Before I could even decide his door opened and he was standing there before me. He looked angry as usual.

"What the hell do you want?"

"Are you mad at me?" I asked him. It was the only thing I could think of to say. It's the only thing that's been on my mind the past few days. I just can't get the thought of him mad at me out of my head.

He growled and walked into his room leaving the door open. I took that as an invite inside and closed the door behind me.


"Of course I'm mad at you Deku," he wouldn't look at me.

"What do you mean? I'm sorry if I did anything to make you mad-"

"You didn't do anything," he cut me off.

We were standing face to face but he wouldn't look at me.

"Kachhan if somethings wrong you can tell me."

"You make me feel things and I don't like it," he said quietly as his face started turning shades of red.

"What?" I don't quite understand what he means.
"Do I make you feel more angry than you normally are or is it something that I say or is-"

"Idiot!" He cut me off as I started to rant again. Maybe I felt a little bit nervous.

He looked me in the face finally.

"I like you dumbass!" He said.

My eyes widened. Everyone always teased me about having a crush on kachhan and in the end I ended up slowly developing one. His eyes were so pretty.

He always looks so strong like he could protect me from anything. Over the past few months I slowly came to realize how much I wanted to be with him and close to him.

Before I knew it are faces were inches apart and I put my lips on his. He was so warm. I wrapped my arms around him. Kachhan moved me so my back was against the wall as he kissed me back. I tried getting as close to him as I possibly could as he was starting to kiss me rougher.

After a few minutes we stopped and he put his head on my chest hiding his blushing face.

"I like you too kachhan" I said as I smiled.

I felt something hard against me and I blushed.

"You're an idiot Deku," he said in my chest.


It's Always Been You (Deku x Bakugo)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora