18th of November

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I have always felt like I was a puppet, but I never minded it. As long as my owner is happy, I am happy.

I sang when I'm told to. I twittered as if I was happily chatting with them. I was content.

Or, at least that was what I thought.

Now, I'm confused. Was I really happy living this life with my owner?

I had tasted freedom before but now... It has become an alien to me. A feeling foreign to my heart.

Sometimes I find myself asking me. "How did it feel to fly again?"

"I wonder how I had felt when I had opened and stretched my wings."

"Come to think of it, when was the last time I had been able to fully stretch my wings?"

"I can see the other birds flying out there. I wonder what they are feeling right now? Should I ask them?"

One day, I was given the opportunity to be able to have a conversation with another bird. She was of a different kind but who cares? I certainly don't. At the end of the day, we're both still birds.

If I remember correctly, this was how our conversation turned out:

It was a sunny day and the wind was perfect for flying. Or so they say, I don't really know.

I saw her swoop down and perch herself on the bird bath that was placed on the front lawn. Coincidentally, that was where my owner had my cage put. By the window that faced the front lawn. I think they thought I would like it, to see nature and stuff. They even left the window open during the day so that I could feel the wind. Well, they're not totally wrong.

Anyway, the moment I saw her, I was amazed at how beautiful she looked. Her feathers were shiny and healthy-looking. She had a small beak that she used to drink some water from the fountain. She even took a quick bath just to cool herself from the heat. It wasn't summer but the heat was amazingly thick in the air. Thankfully, it was bearable. Even for me.

That was when she noticed me watching her from inside my cage. She flew over and curiously peeked at me. She hopped short hops and took a peek at the interior of the house.

It wasn't shabby. And the furnitures were placed where they should be. And most of all, it was clean. My owner doesn't like a messy house so they always clean it once every week.

Then another thought came into my mind as I saw her still cautiously peeking inside.

"My owner doesn't have cats. Nor dogs. Or any other pet, for that matter. So you don't have to worry about being pounced on." I spoke first.

She jolted when I did.

"Ah, hahaha. Is that so?" she laughed, her voice like a tinkle of chimes in the wind. I felt at ease. I never really cared for others with coarse voices and tongues splattered with vulgar words.

"What brings you by?" I asked her, wanting to start a conversation. My owner wasn't in at the moment so there was literally no one at home but me. I was home alone.

"Oh, I was just flying around when I saw that wonderful bird bath. It was sparkling!" she hopped in glee. I did not understand what was so amazing about that.

"That was probably the sun's reflection bouncing off from the waters' surface." I offered. I once saw it on TV where people talked about light and it's properties. It was interesting.

"Eh? You're no fun. Have you ever seen how beautiful it looks like?" she asked me, hopping in closer.

"I don't really remember. I've been living in this cage for a few years actually, so I haven't flown in a while."
Saying those words, I felt pain prick my tiny heart. That actually sounded sad.

"What?! How about your life before you were put in there? Surely you were able to fly, right?" she was surprised. Well, that was to be expected from someone who could fly whenever she wanted to.

"I was actually born in a cage, a bigger one than this. I remember people call the place where I was born in a 'pet store'." She was aghast.

"What?! Oh you poor little bird. How could they do that?" she stomped her tiny feet on the window sill. I couldn't help but smile at the thought of someone getting worked up about my situation.

With a tiny smile that had unknowing crept up to my beak, I said, "What you mean by that? My owner didn't do anything wrong. I feel perfectly fine here, if that was what you're worried about."

"No! Of course you're not! My Momma said that we, the beings blessed with wings and the ability to fly should be flying outside! In the open air! With the wind beneath our wings and the ground below!" she chattered while spreading her wings while speaking. I guess that was a natural response of the body to help deliver her message to me more effectively.

I chuckled at her. She was so energetic. "Well then. As someone who didn't experience those things that you have just spoken about, would you kindly share with me how it feels like? To fly." I said, going along with her.

"Flying?" she paused to think. "Well, flying feels like floating on the air. Especially when the updraft carries you waaaay up high! It feels exhilarating! The wind would tingle and touch every feather on your wings and it feels so satisfying. The air even tastes sweet at times. Whenever I take flight, I could always feel my heart beating so fast! It pounds so much from the excitement!" she spoke animatedly. It seems like she really loves flying.

"... When I fly, I feel all sorts of wonderful feelings. Yeah. So, if I could describe flying in one word? That would be 'Freedom'.

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