Young and Beautiful Sunflower

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Young and beautiful sunflower.
She only has nine yellow petals.
She is innocent and a kind flower.
The young and beautiful sunflower,
Doesn't like to bother.

Each day she sits there,
Feeling the smothing and cold wind,
As the wind blows, she moves.
Young and beautiful sunflower,
It's friendly and not a liar.

The young and beautiful sunflower,
Came across a handsome bee.
She though that it's was friendly,
But the bee deflowered her,
And took all her will-power.

She encounter a thundershower.
The winds blowed and blowed,
And took away the innocent flower.
She felt lost and overpower,
Poor, poor sunflower.

Her innocence was devoured,
As her petals were decolored.
Beautiful and kind nomore.
She felt fear and weird,
By time she disappear.

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