Ay ay ay I'm walkin' ere!

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🧢 Your POV🧢:

"[READER]!!!" You are shaken awake by [Best friend's name].

"H-huh what?-" You mumble while opening your eyelids slowly, you had spent the day at your friend's house because they had made too much food and couldn't finish by themself so they had asked you to come over, your stomach was still full and kinda hurt from all the food you ate, but you had no regrets.

"Bro it's like already 10pm! Almost 11! And it's super foggy! You told me to wake you up at 10-" [Best friend's name] explained, oh shot you really did need to get going! You didn't have work or anything, in fact you had the week off! But it's just that you had promised another friend of yours to hang out-

"Oh crap! Uh I'll get going don't worry!-" You quickly got up and put your hoodie on. Just then [Best friend's name] put a hand on your shoulder.

"Woah woah woah! Are sure you want to go out in there? It's pretty late and plus didn't you walk all the way over here? Are you sure you don't want to just stay here and just hang out with Ed Sheern later?" They told you, they weren't entirely wrong but you didn't want to burden them longer then you already had.

"Nah bro! My house isn't even that far! You already fed me! What's a little foggy weather and a 20 minute walk gonna do?" You reassured them, [Best friend's name] just squinted their eyes at you and then sighed and let go of their hand on your shoulder.

"Ok but remember to call me when you get home bro, you should know about the battle's over here...be safe ok?" You smiled softly at your friend.

"Hey it's not like I'm going to war!! I'll call ya later bye [Best Friend's name]!!" You waved your friend goodbye and then walked towards your house, you didn't lie it was about 20 minutes away. But [Best Friend's name] was right, rap battle's have been happening a-lot recently in your neighborhood...you hadn't personally been in one but you know word gets around, plus you had even known a friend of yours that gets into frequent rap battles.

-?????? POV-

Damn... I had only spent a week at that place yet he still found me.... Stupid annoying blue haired kid... I had barely got away in the nick of time before blastin' that alleyway to bits... well I guess over here in this area would be a good place to hide out for the time being... it has a bunch of alleys to hide in, and there isn't many people livin' in this area and I noticed it's mostly foggy or rainin' over here so that's perfect for me! Now all I gotta do is look out for a decent hidden off alleyway or abandoned house over ere'...



I turn my head downwards to see that I had bumped into someone accidentally, crap this can't be good.. they look up at me and then their eyes widen, I then hear police sirens, I notice that the person looks over at the on comin' police car and I quickly run to a nearby dark alleyway. When they look back where I used to be they looked around and the policemen talkin' with the person but I guess they didn't have any information the policemen wanted and one of the policemen mumbled somethin' under their breath and then went back into their car. The person looked around once more and then said somethin' and started walkin' off. Well that went ok I guess...

-🧢 Your POV durning this 🧢-

You look up and see a tall figure looming over you, you freeze up not knowing what to do, you then hear police sirens and quickly turn your head to see two cops come out of the car and walk towards you.

"Get up." One of the cops say in a tired annoyed tone, you quickly got up and dusted yourself off. The other cop glares at the grumpy cop.

"Sorry about him! he's just kinda tired from our look out.... Anyways we wanted to ask you if you've seen a tall humanoid entity with a teal hoodie baggy light brown pants?" He explains to you, you think, well that was a very specific description but you don't recall seeing anybody like that...

"I'm afraid not officers!" You say apologetically, the nice cop chuckles.

"It's quite alright! Well at least we know that he's in this area... me and my partner will just keep lookin' then! Have a nice rest of your night!" He says while the other cop grumbles something under his breath, well that was an experience!- the cops drive of while you were left there confused, you look around, huh...maybe that figure was just all in your head? Oh well all you need to worry about is getting home safely!! You take one more look around before making your way back home.


Hope ya enjoyed this first chapter reboot! 😊😊😊

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2022 ⏰

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