the lost girl part 1

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hey guys it's me janel welcome back  and I hope you all will like this new story let's get started


"Hi sweetie welcome to your new school I'm the principal  of this high school and college  so I'm here if you need anything "

"ok "

hi, my name is Leah but call me leh I'm 16 years old and I'm a freshman in high school/college my life wasn't always the best for my parents. I got ready for school and got my stuff and my dad packed my bags and left for my high school and college year.

I was  walking into the building until I felt this touch and it was my dad"dad  you almost gave me a scream"

"I'm sorry Leah  ok then  I'll check in on you every 15 hours ok"

"ok and I'll be fine"

I see groups of kids and other kids talking  and the principal comes up to us"hello Leah you must be our new students"

"hi yeah and this is my dad"

"hi this school reminds me of the college I went to with your mom"

"really dad?"

"yup this principal was my ela teacher"

"yeah your father was a good student so was your mother and let me tell you something leh"


"I'm your aunt "

"what wow"

we hug and laugh "well I have to go to work I will see you in a little bit "

" ok dad"

Later that day my aunt shows me  the building and then shows me my dorm and so after I get all settled in  this boy comes into my room"hey "


"you must be Leah the new girl"

"yes I am"

"salom aka yaxshimisiz"

"hoy uka men yaxshiman"

he looks at me and says this when his girlfriend or sister comes into the room"hey..."


"hi I'm mal  king's sister "

"Hi I'm Leah but call me leh" that is my computer starts ringing "oh my gosh" as i pick it up" hi ma"

"Hey sweetie how is everything?"

"it's good"

"someone wants to say hi"

"salom singlim"


"OK meni tingla, hech bir o'g'il sizga o'sha oxirgi yerk kabi jinsiy aloqa qilishiga yo'l qo'yma"

"u buni xohlamagan tasodif edi"

"men hozir ketishim kerak, keyin ko'rishamiz, yaxshi ko'raman"

"yaxshi xayr" after we hang up  king looks at me and says this "siz o'zbekcha gapirasiz?"

"Ha nimaga?"

"speak a langue to my sister"


that is when she says this to me"annen bir ceo şirketi gibi değil mi"


later when I see my brother "hi"


"wow I miss you"

"Jason I was gone for like 14 or 45 mins"

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