Part 1

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Get up I need to talk to about something my mama says
What is it is something wrong I say
Okay how would you feel if we move she said
Into another house bout time I say
No we gone move to Chicago
CHICAGO I yelled I know she been talking to this dude but I didn't think it was serious
ODee wants us to move out there he said you will like it
Mama what about my school can I at least finish
Well talk to your dad about you staying I'm leaving this weekend
I called my dad
Dad:Wassup sky
Me:mama moving to Chicago this weekend can I say with you until school out
Dad:I don't mind but you know I gotta talk to Tina first after y'all had y'all lil words
Me: I'll go to grandma
Dad:she want you to stay with her anyways so yea you good
My dad was a drug dealer but he thought I didn't know I'm 17 I'm not slow
I wake up mama is in the kitchen talking to ODee telling him we was finna get on the plane
Mama I told you I was staying with grandma
Girl you can come back but this your Christmas break so you gone spend it with your mama
As we get on the plane my phone ding my dad cash app 3000 turn that phone off my mama say as we land in Chicago it's was cold I see my mama run up to this guy he look like a thug I said to myself
You sholl know how to pick them huh peaches I said she laughed we pulled up to this gated apartment it's niggas everywhere and a couple of girls
She look stuck up one girl say I gave her a look like BITCH DONT PLAY YOU DONT KNOW ME watch your mouth ODee say oh she with you my bad the girl say I seen my mama talking to a lady so you must be sky she say I'm taesha that boy there is my son von I stop just look he mugged me so hard I just looked away damn von she into you a girl said no i said
Wassup what's your name a dude said sky come on ODee said I walked off we go to the apartment it's so many niggas in there I seen von come in
Aye ODee tell her come chill with us a girl said I was getting dressed I wanted to go to Walmart I walked out in a black Nike outfit I locked eyes with von hey ODee where is my mama I said she went with taesha to get her hair did he said is it okay if I go to the store I said he said you can but not along you don't understand what's goes on out here
Hey I'm kita I'll take you where you need to go I pulled out some money gave her 500 just to drive me around Nawl give that back ODee said she apart of this family now von you t-Roy memo go with them ODee said we head down a hallway as we get to kita car she trynna unlock the door I look up I see some dudes ducking but walking
Hey von he mugged me again
Was sup he said it's some dude behind you ducking but walking towards us they all start shooting I was froze I ever been in the situation von came on the other side grabbed me you good got back up start shooting I see ODee and the other guys come out shooting also wtf mama got us into I said the dudes fled
We went on doing what we was gone do aye ma von say good looking out anytime I say how old are you kita say the boys looking in my mouth 17 I said 17 with a body like that one of the boys say where y'all from Mississippi I say I bet you got the boys going crazy up Nawl they don't talk to me because of my dad so what you do for fun she said I make wigs and do make up I said you think you can hook me up when we get back she say sure we stop at the hair the boys stay in the car we headed back to parkway

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