Chapter 1

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For the alternate ending, skip down to where Officer Thomas knocks on the door. It will be marked with ***

Enjoy! :)


Summer 2014


*Montgomery-Hastings Residence*

"Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday, dear Rosie, Happy Birthday to you!"

The toddler claps her hands as her family — parents, Aria and Spencer Montgomery-Hastings, and aunts and uncles, Hanna and Caleb Rivers, Toby Cavanaugh, and Emily and Alison Dilaurentis-Fields — sing to her.

"Alright, Rose, make a wish and blow out the candles!"

They have been practicing for this moment for nearly 4 months, how to blow, not spit on, the candles.

Taking a deep breath, Rosie does a perfect blowing motion, knocking the flame out on the purple #3 candle.

"I did it, Mamma!" She cheers.

"You did!" Setting her camera down, Aria sweeps Rosie into her arms. "You did so well, Ro. Just like we practiced, huh?"

The toddler nods excitedly. "Yep! Just like wif da bubbles!"

Spencer smiles proudly at her daughter, knowing that she really did work hard to blow out the candles, because last year, when she was unable to, she was very upset because one of her aunts had to help her.

"You're right, Rosie," She kisses her forehead. "You blew the candle just like with the bubbles." She then claps her hands together. "Now, who is ready to cut the cake?"

Of course, this gets a loud response from Rosie and her friends from Daycare.

The toddlers, well, not really toddlers, as most are 4 years old, but the kids all pile around the table for a piece of the Sesame Street cake, which is decorated with Elmo, Abby Cadabby, and the Cookie Monster.

And of course, after the cake are presents. Plenty of presents, but to be fair, Rosie is the only kid around right now - Hanna is currently pregnant, and Ali and Emily are going to adopt.

"Pwesents!" Rosie practically screams when she sees the big pile of various shapes, sizes, and colored gifts.

"Oh, Mommy!" Her eyes grow wide. "Dere's so many!"

Spencer chuckles as Aria picks up her camera to begin taking photos. "Ok, Rosepetal, you want me or Mamma to help you open, or do you want to do it by yourself?"


Being the independent child she is, Spencer and Aria always ask if she wants help, or if she wants to try something by herself for the first time.

Surprisingly, though not truly, Rosie has been able to do several things that a child of her age normally would be unable to do, that is, while unassisted.

Therefore, Spencer asks this, knowing that while Rosie is having fun with her friends, she is only three, and may get a little too overwhelmed with how many gifts she has to open.

"I want you to help, Mommy, but only a lil and til I say stop, 'kay?"

Spencer nods her head and sits down on the floor beside her daughter.

The Pink TuTu - alternate endingWhere stories live. Discover now