The Shadow Man

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The little girl smiles at her mother, skipping next to her. The little girl plays at the playground for a while, her mother waiting at the benches at the far side of the park, watching short videos on her phone. Climbing up the steps and goes to the start of the slide, and before going down, the little girl sees a man. Hes standing next to her mother, staring at her. Hes not so tall, just thin. So so thin. Can someones ribs really be that small? Her mother didn't seem to notice. She smiles and waves at the man, then goes down the slide. Who knew that someone could look so transparent but solid at the same time? When she comes down, the man is gone, like he was never there in the first place. The girl looks around confused, but decides to think nothing of it. After a couple hours, her mother calls for her, and they leave. Once they go home, the girl gets ready for bed. Looking in the mirror, the girl smiles. It seems like he followed her home. Is he staying? The man is standing behind her, grinning. His sharp white teeth seem so out of place compared to the misty look of his body. The girls smile falls as shes overcome with a feeling of fear. She feels uncomfortable. Uneasy. A feeling that no child should ever experience. She lets out a loud scream, and her mother runs into the bathroom. She finds no one. No one in the bathroom. No one knows what happened, no one knows what or who took her, or if she was even there in the first place. The investigations stopped, and she was forgotten in the millions of other missing children's cases. The Shadow Man continued to steal children. 


Boom. Hope you liked reading, feel free to let me know if anything is wrong or if there is anything you would like to see. I wanna learn how to write better, so I'm always open to hearing your suggestions. 

Have a good day. 

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