-All For Her Happiness-

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     Tick. Tick. Tick. Tick. Tick.
     I hear muffled words. A broken clock. My vision getting blurry by the minute. Am I.. Crying?
     "This is only a sore throat. You must be forcing it. Just take some medications. You'll be okay."
      I nod. "Alright."
      He looks at me with that kind of face, one filled with pity. As if I'm a kicked puppy. As if I'm forcing it all for attention. For her to worry about me. But I want her to.
       "Thank you."
       I walk out of the office, looking ashen. She's outside, waiting for me. She only thinks I'm sick, in which apparently I am. I was this close to thinking it was Hanahaki. But I'm not dying, so I guess not.

        "You're my best friend, Soraru-san!"
        Best friend. That's all. Together for years and I'm only the best friend. Nothing more, nothing less.
        Why couldn't it be me? Why him? Why
        "Soraru-san? You okay?"
        I wake from my trance. "Huh? Oh. Yeah, I'm fine. They just gave me meds for it. Sore throat, that's all." I give a forced smile.
        She smiles. My heart aches. "See? It was nothing to worry about! Y'know, you should really listen to your best friend more often."
         The word "friend" jolts me to cough. I restrain it. All I do is nod.
        "Well, I have to go. My boyfriend wants to watch a movie at his place. I'll see you later? Pick me up?"
        "Yeah. I'll be there. Have fun."
        She smiles brightly, and leaves. I walk home, eyes becoming blurry again.


       I'm coughing. I spit into the sink. Phlegm chokes me. I'm gagging. I'm dying. Then I see it. Petals. I really do have Hanahaki. Its really happening.
         Hanahaki is an alleged— Alleged because now I have it— Disease. It only happens to victims of unrequited love, one-sided love. The recipient starts to cough, and throw up petals from a flower that is growing inside their lungs. Sooner or later, they'll die from suffocation of the flower, blocking their lungs.
       I feel dizzy. At this point, I'm going to die from just coughing, not Hanahaki. I chuckle. My heart aches again. I want her. I need her. I love her.
        I look at myself in the mirror. I'm turning more pale by the day. I'm losing appetite. I'm getting skinnier. She'll hate this. Why am I trying so hard to please her? It's not like I'll ever get the chance to date her. But..
        Do I even have a chance?
"I... I'm sorry Soraru-san. I never saw you as that. I'm so sorry, please don't be mad. I only saw you as a friend. Nothing more, nothing less. I really appreciate it, though. You going through all this trouble for me. Thank you. I'll always love you, just as a friend."
         I smash my fist onto the tile sink, and scream. I'm sobbing. I'm going hysterical, just for her.
        "Why?! Why couldn't it be me? Why did you have to choose him over me?! I've... I've known you for years! He... I..." I choke on the words. I can't hold on anymore. I'm practically dead.
       I wash my face and get ready to pick her up.


       "He broke up with me."
       My heart skips. "What?"
       "That... That stupid movie... That cliche date... was all to tell me he had hooked up with his ex. He..." She starts crying. I grab her shoulders and hug her. I stroke her hair.
        "Shh... It's okay. You're okay. I'm here for you. It's okay."
        We stay like that for a while, and it gives me the slimmest bit of hope.


      I brought her to my place, and she's wrapped into a blanket, and wearing my clothes. I clear my throat, feeling a petal come into my mouth. I spit it out before she sees. Hanahaki isn't curable, right?
       I feel like coughing again. I go to the bathroom, and start hacking. I throw up petals, and I see blood along with it. I spit. I rinse my mouth and wash the sink. I feel a lump in my throat, but it's not a petal. I'm about to cry again.
No, not when she's here. No.
       I walk out to the living room, and I see her fingers fiddling with the buttons on the controller. She's too focused on the video game. She's adorable. I chuckle. "You having fun?"
"Shh. I'm about to kill Signora on my own!"
I laugh. I sit beside her, resisting the urge to wrap an arm around her waist. She charges her attack and kills the enemy, letting out a shriek of happiness. "Yes! I finally did it!! I killed it!"
She laughs and I chuckle. I feel a pang of want, and I cough.
I start coughing up petals all over, and she looks at me, horrified. "Soraru-san?!" She rushes me to the washroom, and I start throwing up flower petals. She rubs my back, and reassures me, as if I'm completely fine. But I'm not.
"Soraru-san... I'm sorry. This is my fault, isn't it? Why you have Hanahaki? I'm sorry. I knew. I knew that this happened when you started coughing out of no where. I'm so sorry. Soraru-san.. I—"
"Shut up! I'm fine! I'll... I'll be fine. If you're happy, I'm happy. I won't let this stupid fictional disease get in the way of our f— friendship. We'll be best friends. Yeah. Best friends... Nothing less, nothing more..." I start crying. She hugs me.
"I'm sorry. I love you. I've loved you for so long. No matter how many times I tell myself to get over you, it comes back. I just wish it were me. I'm so sorry... I love you too much."
"It's okay." She smiles at me. "I just don't think I'm good enough for you. Since he broke up with me it kind of dawned on me that I'm not good enough. He even went back to his ex. That proves it."
I shake my head. "No. You're perfect, you're... Everything I could ever ask for."
She smiles again, her eyes glossy. "I should go. Let you rest."
I look away, and nod. She gets her stuff and leaves.


After I'm done cleaning up the mess I'd made, I get myself ready for bed. Then it catches the corner of my eye. A note.

Dear Soraru-san, I just wanted to say I was sorry. All this time, I've been concealing my true feelings for you. All because I was too insecure with myself to accept that the person that I really, truly loved was right in front of me all this time.
I was too scared to say it to you directly, and hid it this entire time. And because of that, it resulted in you becoming like this.
Do you maybe think.. You could forgive me and I could reverse this curse placed upon you?
Because, I love you.


Then I start running.


I see you walking to the Sakura tree I had confessed to you at. Your gaze looks that of doubt, thinking I won't come. But I'm running, my lungs aching. I'm not coughing anymore. I don't feel suffocated anymore. I'm sprinting.
I love you.
I let a breath in, and shout as loud as I can.
You turn around, and when you see me tears fill your eyes up. You run towards me.
I collide with you, and lift you up. You start crying. "Soraru-san... I'm so sorry. I love you.. I've always loved you. I love—"
I break you off and kiss you. You kiss back. I wrap my arms around your waist, tightening as I deepen this kiss. You wrap your arms around my neck, kissing me.
When we let go, we're both out of breath.
"I love you too, Y/N. I love you. I've been waiting for this moment to happen for a lifetime now. I love you."
I wipe away your tears, and you chuckle. "Did I... Did I cure your curse? You aren't coughing anymore."
I laugh, tears filling my eyes once again.
"You did."


We're sitting down underneath the tree, holding hands. You look up at me.
"Why didn't... Why didn't you come and get me right away? Why did you wait for me?"
"Because I wanted to hear your response. I didn't want you to force yourself into saying what I had always wanted you to say to me."
You kiss me on the cheek. "You'd really do anything for me, huh?"
I kiss you back.

"I'd do anything for you, all for your happiness."

All For Her Happiness || A Soraru x Reader Oneshot Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang