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වට්පෑඩ් වල හම්බුන ඊලගට මම ආසම කෙනා. මම කියන්න ඕනේ දේවල් කලින් කියලා තිබ්බත් මම මෙතන ආයෙමත් කියනවා.

ස්තූතියි නිර්මි!


දෙවනි ඩෙඩිකේශන් එක එයාට.

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You are my precious reader and at the same time you are one of my good author. Sorry, I can't say best author because I can't give this place to two people.

When others asked me for more updates, you were the only one telling me not to stress myself to give many updates a day. I found you like a human among the robots that read my books.

When I was not here for a long time, you were the one who sent me a message and asked whether I was doing well while other asking for more updates.

When I disappointed of people, you were the one who cheered me up. Thanks you for being a human and help me. And thanks for cheering me up. Although I asked you not to change the username or profile photo because I struggle when I have to find you, now I'm typing your user name without checking it. I memorised it. 

And I'm sorry I went through your  reading lists many times  and didn't thank you for it.

Thank you so much for everything Kim_Jinmi

You are with me from the beginning!


22 Nov, 2021

Twenty Sixth Hour  |   Jin × Kook  |  CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now