Chapter 1

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Karma woke up, sunlight streaming through her thick green blinds, the sun shining on her hair. Her alarm read 7:00, and she had a mere 20 minutes to get ready. She could hear her parents downstairs cooking breakfast and singing loudly. Karma sighed into her pillow, wishing for another half hour of sleep, before eventually dragging herself out of bed.

K ~ A

Amy shook awake, her nightmare creating perspiration down her neck, her blond hair matting to her forehead, alarm wailing at her from her nightstand. She could tell she was alone in the house; it was eerily quiet. Then she remembered Lauren's doctor appointment, and her mom had to work early.
Sleeping alone was hard. Amy had gotten so used to Reagan's body curled up next to hers, radiating warmth and protection. Without her, cold crept into Amy's bones every night.
Unlocking her window was no longer a priority.

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Liam approached Karma's house, waiting for her to come outside.
She appeared in the doorway to her quaint little home, throwing her bag over her shoulder and smiling all the way to the car. Getting in, Liam kissed her good morning, then they were off to school, music blaring from the speakers.

K ~ A

Amy stood in the shower, letting the water hit her body like hot knives. Her eyes were red, pale skin turning pink. She hadn't slept an entire night in over 3 days...since the day Reagan left.
Amy recalled the conversation, pinpointing details like she does every morning.

"Amy, please. I know. I see. I see how you look at her. That's not just friendship Amy, you love her."
Tears streamed down Amy's cheeks, clutching Reagan's hand.
"P-please," she stuttered. "I don't. She's my best friend. She's with Liam. Yes, I loved her once, but the feeling is gone. Its just you Reagan."
Reagan looked down at her feet, inching her fingers out of Amy's tight grasp.
"I need to figure this out. I don't know if I can do this Amy. I just need some space right now."
With that, Reagan left, the door wide open as Amy crumbled to the ground, the overwhelming feeling of losing everyone around her slowly sinking into her bones.

Tears welling in her eyes, Amy straightened and finished her shower in numbness.

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