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Aithlin Rennyn Silverthorne

Hair: Straight Carmel blonde with slight red hue

Eyes: Silver

Height: 5'11

Age: 1625

Sex: Female

Pronouns: She/Her/Hers

Race: Fae

Magic type: Raw magic

Second form: Large red haired wolf

Status: Princess(by blood)

Family: Twin brother Alinar Silverthorne, Older brother Fenris Silvrthorne, Mother Laeanna Silverthorne, Father Jhaeros Silverthorne

Mate: Elaria Ashwood


Alinar Ryfon Silverthorne

Hair: Straight Carmel blonde with slight red hue

Eyes: Silver

Height: 6'0

Age: 1625

Sex: Male

Pronouns: He/Him/His

Race: Fae

Magic type: Raw magic

Second form: Large red haired wolf

Status: Prince(by blood)

Family: Twin sister Aithlin Silverthorne, Older brother Fenris Silverthorne, Mother Laeanna Silverthorne, Father Jhaeros Silverthorne

Mate: Tanithil Moltenore


Fenris Olithir Silverthorne

Hair: Slightly wavy Carmel blonde with slight red hue

Eyes: Hazel

Height: 6'3


Sex: Male

Pronouns: He/Him/His

Race: Fae

Magic Type: Raw Magic

Second form: Large blonde wolf

Status: Prince(by blood)

Family: Younger brother Alinar Silverthorne, Younger sister Aithlin Silverthorne, Mother Laeanna Silverthorne, Father Jhaeros Silverthorne

Mate: Vaghnlin Woodflower


Laeanna Aerendyl Silverthorne

Hair: Slightly wavy Light blondish red

Eyes: Silver

Height: 5'10


Sex: Female


Race: Fae

Magic Type: Raw magic

Second form: Large white wolf

Status: Queen(by blood)

Family: Daughter Aithlin Silverthorne, Son Alinar Silverthorne, Eldest son Fenris Silverthorne, Younger sister Laamtora Silverthorne, Mother Kythaela Silverthorne, Father Montagor Silverthorne

Mate: Jhaeros Strongblaze-Silverthorne


Jhaeros Morthil Strongblaze-Silverthorne

Hair: Straight Dark blonde

Eyes: Hazel

Height: 6'2

Age: 6458

Sex: Male

Pronouns: He/Him/His

Race: Fae

Magic type: Fire and air

Second form: Large black panther

Status: King(by marriage)

Family: Daughter Aithlin Silverthorne, Son Alinar Silverthorne, Eldest son Fenris Silverthorne, Older brother Beluar Strongblaze, Mother Caerthynna Strongblaze, Father Darthoridan Strongblaze

Mate: Laeanna Silverthorne


Elaria Faelyn Ashwood

Hair: Curly light blonde

Eyes: Turquoise

Height: 5'10

Age: 1626

Sex: Female

Pronouns: She/They

Race: Fae

Magic type: Water, earth, and shifting

Second form: Red haired fox

Status: High court lady(by blood)

Family: Mother Fraeya Ashwood, Father Galaeron Ashwood

Mate: Aithlin Silverthorne


Tanithil Onvyr Moltenore

Hair: Wavy light brown

Eyes: Green

Height: 6'1


Sex: Male

Pronouns: He/Him/His

Race: Fae

Magic type: Wind and Ice

Second form: Grey hawk

Status: High court lord(by blood)

Family: Mother Oluevaera Moltenore, Father Phaendar Moltenore

Mate: Alinar Silverthorne


Vaghnlin Woodflower

Hair: Wavy dark brown

Eyes: Amber

Height: 6'4

Age: 2057

Sex: Male

Pronouns: He/They

Race: Fae

Magic type: Time manipulation and healing

Second form: Crow

Status: Prince (by blood)

Family: Mother Ravaphine Woodflower, Father Shandalar Woodflower(deceased)

Mate: Fenris Silverthorne


All of the characters from The Hobbit look like how they did in the movies.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15, 2023 ⏰

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