(Full story)

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      On a cold winter night, a beautiful baby girl was born. She was so precious, the parents loved her dearly.  She was born in Montana, USA. She was a country girl. She was a rebel as well. The year was 1989. December 1. She had an younger sister named Luna, and she had an older brother named Dennis. As the baby girl grew older she had long, soft, shinny, light dirty blonde hair. She had silver blue eyes. And soft pink lips. She was a bookworm and really smart. She adored England, her parents wanted to surprise her and moved there. They moved to epsom, surrey England. It was so beautiful, she admired the landscape. She took a deep breath. She went and moved in all her stuff. She went and put on her favorite white dress and walked barefoot to a tree carrying her favorite book. She was 13. She sat and read for a while before she was interrupted by a boy with dirty blonde hair. She recognized him, he was Draco Malfoy from Harry Potter. She looked down at her book, Harry Potter and the scorcers stone. Omg. She was talking to Tom Felton. He looked only 2 years older than her. "Whatcha reading" he asked. "A book" " hey no need to be feisty" he said. "Oh shut up!" "Excuse me!? Do you know who you are talking to!?" He shouted. "Yes" I said calmly. "You are Tom Felton from Harry Potter, Draco Malfoy, my favorite character." I said.  "How did you know?" "I just did" "omg, your being so annoying" he said rolling his eyes.  "You don't want to talk to me that way" " is that a threat?!" " don't you dare shout at me, I'm Allison Black and no one treats me that way, weather it's my biggest crush or not!" " you like me?" He said calmly. " oh just shut up" I said running off. He sat the quietly thinking about what just happened.

     The next day was Monday, a school day. Turns out to be that Tom was our neighbor, and he was in the same class as me. Great I thought. Now I have to put up with him more. I mean I have a huge crush on him from the movies Harry Potter. I loved that series. I loved Draco. I loved Tom Felton. He was 15 but we were in the same grade, this school is very different then America. I still loved it though. I was a country girl. I grew up in Montana. I liked it here too, there were horses, there was a lot of space too. I got to school and immediately noticed Tom. "Hey" he said. "Hi, hru?" "I'm doing well, how about you?" "Umm, I'm okay I guess" I replied. Nothing was really wrong except I just got the weirdest feeling in the planet. I felt safe and warm yet I got butterflies. There was more, I just don't know what it is. I ran away as fast as I could. I'm a very fast runner anyway. I found a tree I could climb. "Allison!" I saw Tom running towards me. I grew worried fast because I knew he was going to ask me what's wrong and nothing is wrong except I'm in love with him, but that's not a bad thing right? "Why did you runaway? Did I do something? I'm so sorry if I did something." "You didn't do anything Tom" " then why did you run?" " I-" "what? Are you okay?" Shoot! I was stuttering like crazy. "I- umm" I looked down in shame. "It's okay. You can tell me anything." I looked up at him in tears, I started to run away again. When he grabbed my arm. "Let go!" "Darling, it's okay. You can tell me anything" "just let go of me!!" I screamed. "I'm sorry" he said. I started to cry harder and I ran and hid in the bathroom. He apparently followed me because he was waiting outside. I walked out wiping my eyes. "Allison!" Ahhh, he scared me. He started laughing seeing that I'm okay now. "What?" "I want to make sure your okay." I looked at him. I stared into his blue eyes. God I loved him.
I followed him back to our tree by our houses. "So, can you please tell me why you ran away? I won't be mad." He asked me. "Umm, your gonna hate me." "No why would I?!" "Okay sorry" "don't be, just tell me what's wrong I wanna help" "okay, well- I love you"
I started crying again. He just looked at me in shock until he looked at me with a smirk. I looked up. "What?" He leaned in and kissed me. "I love you too" what just happened, omg, he asked me to be his gf next, I said yes of course.

So we were dating now. One day after school I was reading my book when Tom came up to me waving a letter in his hand. It's for Harry Potter. "What's that?" "Read it" I opened it. Next thing I knew I was in toms arms in a tight hug smiling the biggest smile in the world. It was a letter saying I was to play Dracos wife/gf in the third movie and so on. I was so happy. I got the fantasy and the reality. It's what I've always wanted. I was so happy.

We went to the set and I read my script and met everyone and got ready. I was looking hot as ever. The first scene I was supposed to be meeting Draco at the train station, I walked on and we filmed. The director said I did really well. I was so happy. I jumped into toms arms again. He spun me around and held me tight. Daniel Radcliffe came up to us and said that he was happy for us. "Can I talk to you a second Tom?" He asked. "Sure" next thing I knew Tom came back and grabbed my hand and led me out of the set quickly. We went and got into the car and he locked the doors and made sure I was safe. "Tom, what's wrong?" "There's a fucking rapist hidden on set!" "Shit,am I gonna be safe?!" "Yes, you are gonna stay with me for a while, even at my house." "What about my stuff?" "I have to call your parents and tel them, we will get your stuff I promise." "Okay" I was scared, a rapist? Oh no, who was it?
"Okay princess, let's go get your stuff" "Tom-" "yeah?" "I need to talk to you when we are alone and in your room." "Uh okay"
I went and got my stuff and got back into the car. He pulled into his driveway and stopped and looked at me. "Darling? What's wrong?" "I was already-". "Already what?!" "I was uh...." "Love are you okay?!" I burst into tears and just pointed to where it happened. "Omg!" I kept crying. "We're you raped?!" I nodded my head. "Omg, I'm so sorry. I'm here for you" he asked if he could touch me to give me a hug and I said that he was the only one that can touch me anywhere without asking. He carried me into his house. He calmed me down and got a bath ready for me. He went back out to get my stuff and lock his car. He set my stuff in the bed and knocked on the bathroom door. "Love! I'm gonna go talk to my parents, your stuff is on my bed, you are welcome to anything in my closet." "Okay!" He went down and told his parents what happened. His parents understood and said if they could help they would. He came back up. I was laying on his bed in short shorts and his oversized hoodie. He smiled and came up to me and gave me a hug. "Let's unpack your stuff" "can I do that?" " of course darling, if you really want to." I started to unpack everything. Soon I was done. I was hungry so we went down stairs and got something to eat. He carried me down and we were laughing when we got to the kitchen where his parents were. They looked at us as if we were insane. But we were so happy. We ate some pizza and went to his room and cuddled and watched some Harry Potter and every time I saw Draco on screen I screamed "DRACO!!!!!" Tom laughed and pulled me in close. "Yes darling? I'm right here" I looked at him and realized that I was living my dream. The only one I've ever wanted. I was finally dating Tom Felton. The one I am in love with.

Later we got married and have 2 kids and I am pregnant with my third. We named them, Draco, Luna and the second boy we didn't have a name decided yet. I was a very famous astronomer and I discovered a new planet, life and star. We were very rich. Even though we were living our best lives we still were grateful for life, because without it none of this would be here. We went back to our tree with our kids and when we got married. We will always remember the tree.

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