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ignore the typos and some wrong grammar because this is my first story and English is not my first language, also for this story, I got inspired by many fiction stories so yeh. enjoy :)


Once upon a time, in the kingdom of Stator in the year 2282, there lived 3 kids: Charles Woods, Jack Bishop, & Sue Bishop. Unlike other places at these times, Stator is not a modern palace even if it still lasts in a modern time. Jack and Sue are brothers and sisters, while Charles is an orphan raised in their family. 

Jack likes to read. Sue is always curious and likes to ask questions, even if sometimes it could get a bit annoying. And Charles is very smart and likes going on adventures. They are best friends and Bishop's family always helps Charles by giving him food and shelter as well as considering him a member of the family. The Bishop's father or more known as Jonathan works as a rich banker. While her Mother or more known as Sarah works as a housewife. 

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