Law class

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Authors note :all characters belong to Victor Hugo.  Hope you enjoy this modern take on an enjoinine  romance

We all know the story.  Gamine girl falls for the brunette revolutionary who ignores her and finds love with a rich blonde bimbo.    The poor girl , Eponine  Jondrette  is supposedly madly in love with the boy , Marius pontmercy and wails about losing somthing she didn't even own in the first place .

None of it is true of course.  Eponine didn't love Marius pontmercy. Social media is so messed up these days. I sigh to myself in frustration.  I'm the new girl at  musain high school.  Of course I'd taken a shine to him,  he'd welcomed me into his group without any qualms.  The gossips can find anything to speculate about though.  They created this whole love triangle involving myself ,Marius and his girlfriend cossete just to cause trouble.

I was invited to sit with Marius' friends -the les ámis he called them.  I was introduced to feuilly,  Bahorel and  Grantaire.    I shook each by the hand out of courtesy, as I had been told to since I was old enough to walk. 

We had just sat down to begin eating lunch,  when the doors exploded open.  A boy sauntered in. But this was not just any boy.  This was the living example of an angel . I could happily drown in his piercing ocean blue eyes . His golden hair,  although messy, curled perfectly and I longed to touch it.  His lips were plump and kissable, and  my heart yearned to feel them on mine.  He approached our table and my heart did front flips, back flips and I experienced a buzzing feeling that I'd never felt before. 

The boy was Enjorlas. 

" Hi,  new girl right?  My name is Enjorlas. And you are?  " his silky voice purrs . I become so absorbed by the sound of his voice,  I nearly forget to respond.  Eventually I manage to get out a quiet "Eponine " whilst blushing madly at the fact that he had just spoken to me. 

I spend the rest of lunchtime gazing at his face as he spoke with the rest of the group.  When he chuckles at Grantaire's antics, it is as if angels are singing.  

All too soon the bell rings . I realize that I had no idea where my next class is and start to panic .

I stand bewildered, watching the les ámis scurry off to their own separate classes until the lunch hall is deserted.  I frantically grab  my schedule from my tattered satchel,  scanning through the jumbled up words and  trying to make sense of something. I begin to walk away from the table and out towards the playing field when someone taps me on the shoulder.

Instinctively I spin around but I collide with the person who had tapped me.  It was Enjorlas. 

"Eponine right?  If you're looking for algebra class, you're going the wrong way.  " he  chuckles at me then, and offers me his arm  "Do you want me to show you where it is?  I have law class that way anyway " his smile seems so relaxing,   he's  like a drug that  I could get addicted to.   Greatfully I take him up on the offer and we walk to algebra class in companionable silence.  When we arrive at my class he grasps my hand and places a light kiss the back of it.  "adieu mademoiselle " he grins  as he starts to walk away  "I'll see you soon " . And with a flick of his gorgeous hair and a slam of a distant door he  is gone. 

Authors note : I've never actually done a modern AU  Enjonine, so hopefully  this isn't too bad for a first shot.  *crosses fingers * any feedback is appreciated , (positive comments or negative ones!  ) the next chapter should be up soon, but due to other stories and other commitments I cannot pinpoint an exact time /date.  

Thanks for reading lovelies!  Xxx ~ Jasmine

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