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It's been six months after the attack on the council, but for young Kiramman it felt like years. She lost her mother, watched the rocket fly knowing that she couldn't do anything, she watched people die, now having all of their lifes weighting on her back, slowly crushing her with guilt. If she caught Jinx earlier, if she just tried a little harder before, this wouldn't happen. She completely spiraled into work, just like her father. She was so focused on trying to think how to make Jinx pay she stopped visiting Jayce, one of the two people that survived. She was alone, drained emotionally, living in her room spiraling into madness that Jinx drove her to.

After the attack, Topside and Bottom had been strictly shut down from eachother, the borders were closed off, slippin through was almost impossible. Because of that, Caitlyn lost contact with Vi. She asked, even begged her to stay on Topside, but Vi felt the need to go back where she was from, to help people there, and who was Caitlyn to say no to that, to helping people in need. She had to put her feelings aside and do whats best for the majority. Her and Vi hugged for the last time, tightly, with so much emotions flowing through them, and then, the pink haired girl vanished in the darkness of Undercity. Oh how many nights Caitlyn mourned her loss, if it wasnt her mothers and the council dying, it was Vi's leaving. How many nights she cried, throwing everything across her room, screaming. Slowly she began to bottle up, she stopped crying, she stopped screaming and throwing everything. She stopped feeling anything besides the need for revenge. She thought that she would stay like that until she catches Jinx, giving her what she deserves. It almost looked like it was some sort of a seal, that only Jinx paying justice would brake. Or at least that what seemed the most accurate.

She didn't know what day it was, or if it even was daytime, her room looked like a big detective map, everywhere you would look theres maps, photos, pins, red strings and all of the sorts of evidence stuff. Like everyday, someone knocked on her door, which she replied to with the same monotone "Come in" like shes been saying for months.

"Miss Kiramman, I've brought you a warm plate of food." An older man came through the door dressed in a deep blue tuxedo. Caitlyn didnt even bothered to look up to him, she was to focused on some sort of article pinned next to some photos.

"Place it on the shelf, Thank you." She said with a weak voice, repinning some strings.

"There's also a latter for you Miss, it does not say who sent it, and the envelope seems a little rough, but I thought it would be a good idea to give it to you since Miss haven't spoke with much people lately." She didnt even turn, she just nodded and gestured to put it next to the food. The man sighed and closed the door, leaving the girl alone again.

Time flew by, the food got cold but Caitlyn still didn't even bothered to eat it. She felt like she was so close to a break-through, she was walking in circles, biting her pen. All of the thinking and her hard work felt like it was coming to an end, except it didnt.

"No, no no no no! This doesn't make any sense, oh for fucks sake!" She threw the pen across the room, hitting the silver fork lying next to the plate. She forgot about it. Slowly walking to it, she dragged her chair to have something sit on.

It was bad, the coldness threw the taste away. She took a few bites and placed the plate down accidentaly sweeping the letter from the shelf.

"Oh, right, this thing. Who would want to send me a letter?" Her mind walked off to some family that she probably didnt even remember, or maybe its just an advertisement? She didnt have anything to lose, so she opened it slowly, she didnt want to rip the paper in case it happened to be actually something important. She got comfortable in the chair and unfolded the paper, the first thing she saw was a little map, besides that there was a handwritten note. She began to quietly read out loud.

"Hey Cupcake,
its been a while. At least two months... shit, that felt like years. Bottomside is in complete chaos, Sevika got to play the big boss after Silco, you know. Died. She makes this place hell, i have to live with ekko in hope they wont find this place and turn it in a pile of shit like the rest. I haven't seen Jinx since that moment. Im sorry I cant be with you during a hard time like that, but those shitheads blocked off any way of getting to the top. I know youre holding up well, how could you not Kiramman, you're strong, well not stronger than me obviously, i mean youve seen these muscles. Anyways, I dont know when this will arrive at yours big shiny house, but i think i know how to meet you, come there on July's sunset before the full moon, ill be waiting. I want to tell you that-[Unreadable scribbles] Vi"

Caitlyn was stunned, she was smiling, but also crying. Were it tears of joy or sadness? The type that comes out when youre overly happy or think about memories you thought you would never live through again? She opened her curtains, sunlight hitting her in her pale face, she hasn't felt the sun on her skin in so long... She dressed up and ran out of her room, luckily she bumped into her butler.

"Miss, where are you going?" The man helped her to stand up. "What month is it, is it full moon today?" She quickly mumbled, fixing her hair into a ponytail. "July and yes, whats the matter? Something important?" He didnt even get a chance to blink, Caitlyn ran off instantly, in the time she shouted out "It is, its the most important thing now".

She ran as fast as she could, the sun was slowly coming down, sinking lower and lower making the city sparkle in multiple lights. Caitlyn wasnt even sure how her body still worked, she hasnt moved like that in half a year, but now her body felt unstoppable. She ran faster than she ever did, holding on to the letter like it was something worth millions. She was closer and closer to the place, it was getting darker, with every second she felt more happy, felt more emotions, tears were forming in her eyes as some of them managed to escape and fly away behind her as she ran. She finally was there, it was dark, a light rain started to come down the sky, the moon shined through the clouds, helping the lantern that flickered brighten up the area. Caitlyn started to look around, shouting Vi's name, but no one answered. Was she late? She took to long to read it, she was busy with something that turned out to be worthless and now she wont see her. She lost again.

"Vi, its me, Caitlyn! Ive came here, I'm here." She shouted, feeling like shes losing strength in her legs, like shes about to tremble down. The Rain started to pour down harder. Did she lost all the hope again? She just got it back, she didnt want to let go of it, she wanted to have it with her, but with every second she felt like it was getting ripped out of her hands. When she was about to walk away, she noticed a figure coming her way, it was someone running. Running as fast as she was.

It was her, soaked short pink hair, muscular silhouette. Caitlyn ran towards her, she didnt care if they would bump into eachother, she wanted to feel her close, to hug her as tight as she can. When their bodies met it was like eclipse. Two combined into one, bursting with emotions. None of them said anything, they both just melted in eachother arms, tears falling down their cheeks mixing with the rain. Caitlyn cupped Vi's face, foreheads resting against eachother. Their eyes said everything, their soft expressions filled with joy and comfort, with care and love. The sheriff started laughing through tears.

"I've thought I would never see you again. But youre here, real." Vi placed her hand on top of Caitlyns. "I've missed you so fucking much." She laughed too. "Please, never let me leave anyone again." Her voice shook, she leaned in to blue haired girls touch.

"Never." Caitlyn kissed her deeply, with emotions so strong anyone in a mile radius could probably feel them. The rain and tears werent a problem, the cold wind and the place werent an issue, the two women felt like the world stopped and their problems just vanished. Only now counted, and now was them, being together again, able to feel.

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