PART 21.3 [3/3]

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Roselyn's POV

I walked around while waiting for Liam and the others to arrive,It must have been tough for Liam,Shape-shifting always had an unbreakable bond with the shifter that it's pain of not being able to it is unimaginable,The first time a wolf shifts is a nerve wrecking night for the shifter but somehow it becomes a part of him in making his life peaceful though he has to go through unbearable pain to shift everytime but he embraces it every single time...Mother nature never fails to impress me.


"What about Roselyn?" Thomas asked putting his book down.Charlotte has just told him that Matheo has triggered his warewolf gene,She looked at him worriedly "I'm afraid she hasn't even triggered her healing factor yet" said Charlotte as she srudied her husband's expressions,He nodded,his eyes focused on the crystal in his hands.He looked up to his wife once again "Call Roselyn" he ordered the servant standing beside his wife as he nodded in response and the left the room.

"What are you thinking of doing,My Lord?" Charlotte asked not getting what he was thinking of doing but Thomas just looked at her "You shall see,Darling" he said and heard the door open seeing his 18 year old enter and slightly bowed with  respect "You called for me,Father?" Rose asked as Tom nodded and stood up and walked towards his daughter "Yes,Sweetheart.I want you to place your hands on the table here" he said pointing to a short wooden tea table infront of him,Charlotte looked worried but Tom assured her and Rose being an obedient Sweetheart obeyed her father without questioning.

Rose placed her delicate hands on the table as Tom and Charlotte stood on the other side of it.Rose watched as her father extended his hands towards her and they stopped above her own and started chanting a spell which Rose recognised as the torturing curse,She felt her hands being twisted,her heartbeats quickened and in the next second a bone breaking sound was heard from her fingers.

Her bones cracked like peas,She closed her eyes taking deep breathes,enduring the pain.Charlotte watched her daughter not even letting out a single whimper on the torture curse,She was concerned but she knew why Tom was breaking Rose's bones,She watched as Rose observed her now broken hands.

"Did you felt a different sensation,Sweetheart?" Asked Thomas looking at Rose to which she just shook her head as a no and looked at the ground in disappointment "I apologise,Father" she then looked at her mother with an apologetic expression "I'm ashamed" she said looking at the ground again when she felt both her parents sit beside her "There is nothing to be ashamed of,Darling" Said Charlotte wrapping her hands around Rose's back,Rose looked at her mother and gave her a small smile "You are an Original's offspring,Dear Daughter" said Tom in an encouraging tone "Most great things must bloom late,If not then how would one learn to value them" her father said comforting Rose.

Rose was currently looking at her now plastered palms,She felt useless and a complete embarassment.Matheo was 3 years younger than her and he already had his healing factor triggered alongside his wolf gene.She was a late bloomer and being a Riddle she hated the idea of being left behind.She then remembered her Father's words and smiled to herself,

"Most great things must bloom late" She repeated the statement in her mind again and again.

"Father was very right" I said as I heard multiple heartbeats approaching me,I turned to see Liam,Derek and the three teens behind "We must hurry,The moon is almost on its peak" I said as Liam nodded.

I stood infront of Liam,Whom stood in a circle looking like a nervous little pup "Relax,Darling" I said comforting the young teen,He just nodded but I could hear his heartbeat quicken,I told him to take deep breathes and listened as his hesrtbeat went normal.

The moon was shining brightly on us.Derek felt his bones crack but Liam stood in his circle unphased by the power in the air,I felt my blood flow with such ecstasy that it was difficult to hold control,I felt my fangs extending from my gums and my eyes shining in their natural purple colour.I looked at Liam and saw something weird.

His body was radiating this dark aura it was almost like....Black WAS Black Magic.It almost felt like a barrier which wasn't letting his inner wolf to come out.Who could have casted a barrier on Liam?Moreover who was even powerful enough to cast one with Black Magic?

There is only one explanation for this "Someone is using you as a container for the Moon's potential stream" I said out loud for Liam to hear.He seems confused from the statement "Who?" Asked Stiles,I looked at him "I don't know yet but something tells me it's a sypher trying to perform a powerful ritual" I explained and diverted my attention to Liam again "I will now chant a barrier breaking spell,It will be very painful,Liam" i said as Liam nodded "Stay strong,Love" I said as I heard a soft "I'll try" from Liam,

I looked at Liam one last time,I extended my hands towards him and started chanting the the Latin spell,With every word that escaped my mouth caused Liam's groans to grow intense as he fell to the ground and screamed in agony.The black barrier transforming into thick black smoke,Evaporating in thin air,Liam started taking unbalanced breathes as he collapsed on the ground but thankfully after a moment he was on his fours and passed me a knowing glance,

I flashed my purple eyes and inhaled,And I felt as if my body was in an adrenaline rush.I felt powerful and I just wanted to let the world know,This sudden feeling of pride filled me as I  closed my eyes and let out a loud roar...Not any roar but the roar of an Alpha.

As I opened my eyes I saw Liam's eyes glowing their signature yellow,His side burns appeared alongside his sharp fangs and claws.He arched his back as his backbone broke and in the matter of moments,A brown wolf stood infront of me in a kneeling position.Mother was right about the Alpha's roar,

"It CAN transform a shifter"......

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