C1. Dreaming

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" October is near " he said as he sat near his brother who was peacefully enjoying the view. The sun setting as it wraps up the day, it's been long since the both of them had come and watched the sunset, they rarely see each other but they know what is up whenever the other comes home all of a sudden.

" They fought again? " the white haired fellow said with a small sigh, a sad smile on his face.

" Just the usual, you know how childish they can be when it comes to money " the pink haired one responded as he patted the other on the head, ruining his well groomed hair that took him a while for it to look decent. The oldest laughed at his younger's reaction, it's been months since they talked to each other, communication isn't really common in the both of them if they are away for their parents forbid the younger to know more about the other parts of the world, they fear that it would cause rebellion, which will be a pain in the ass to handle on their side. Both stayed at that spot for hours until the cold night breeze greeted them, they had a good talk about the adventures of the oldest, just hiding some details and making some stories, just following their parent's orders, it pains him but there's nothing he can do. 

" We should get going, they might go around and look around for us again, you know what happened the last time we went home late. We don't want that to happen again, don't we? " the oldest said as he brushed some dirt off his pants as the other followed, nodding as a response to his brother's question. The lights from the town made their pathway quite visible, giving them enough light to walk through the rocky road but due to the youngest's poor eyesight, it was a struggle to walk through and having no choice but to hold unto the hem of his brother's clothes.

The walk was silent, no one wants to talk as they go near the huge mansion, the inside was dark, no lights were turned on, the fight must've gone far again. The oldest sighed and massaged his temples as he heard distant screams that belongs to their parents. The more October comes near, the more their fights get heated, it's getting hard to understand the both of them and it's harder for the children. Plates breaking, shattered everywhere, expensive paintings now had holes in them, everything is turning into a mess.

" Different day, same shit. God, when will this stop? " The older said as he helped his brother sneak in the back door to avoid his parents from seeing the both of them " I'll distract them, hide in your room for a while, okay? " he added as the other just nodded and smiled. Fixing his posture, he slowly walked away from the back door as soon as his brother went in and was far. Making his way towards the front door, screams louder than before. A butler can be seen impatiently walking back and forth outside the door, probably waiting for him, his face filled with stress as soon as he saw the young master slowly making his way inside.

" Mr. Zyko, where have you been? The whole place has been trashed the moment you walked out of the room " The butler explained as he guided Zyko inside the living room, everything is a mess, the cleaning will be hard.

" This is your fault! "

" Now you're blaming me for something you clearly did! Look at your children, who forced them to live like this? Wasn't it your choice to force them into hiding the truth? "

" Oh shut up, would you? I tried to talk to you but what did you say? That I am selfish. You know how hard this world is, yet you choose not to listen "

" Will the both of you please shut up? " Zyko finally butted in, so done with his parent's childish arguments that lead to nowhere. His blood boiling just by looking at the both of them. Their hair is a mess, clothes wrinkled, shoes nowhere to be found, and voices almost gone. When did they fell out of love? How did this happen? They used to be so happy before. " I am so done with the both of you. I tried to be patient because both of you are my parents yet no matter what I do, they all end up like this! Think about Wartyn, he's just a child yet he hears all this screaming as if it's normal and part of his routine, give the child a break, will you? Open your minds and try to listen, your words sounds like it came from a child that got his doll stolen. I am your child too and think about what I would feel dealing the problem that both of you have created. I know what happened before is unacceptable but if you choose to ignore how to solve it and blame each other then nothing good will happen. " Zyko said, almost screaming, pouring his heart out hoping his parents will realize and reflect on his words, but they just gone silent.

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