Anxiety/Panick Attacks

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My Anxiety/Panick attacks are odd. I could be having the time of my life with my friends, and all of sudden, I can't breathe, everything around me starts to go blury and I'm frightened, frightened for my own life and sometimes I don't even know why. Will I make it through? Why does this always happen? Why can't I breathe? What if it doesn't stop? Will I live? So I put my headphones on and start to listen to my favourite calming music to help myself calm down and drown the horrid thoughts in my head screaming at me, but it doesn't always work, the thoughts get louder and louder, and the noises around me start to become muffled making my ears twitch, so I'll start trying different breathing techniques and methods to stop it but no it still won't work. My stomach starts cramping and I feel like im about to vomit, I'll feel like something is trying to come and grab me and take everything away. I feel like my head is about to explode. I can feel everything but also nothing all at once

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