Sugar Glass Bones

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My legs were made of sugar and glass never quite cracking but always lacking they paced to reach with the thoughts they laced yet, they never quite achieved from what was darkly deceived so my soul descends and my legs they stay hesitant to speed to far or fast so they stay trapped in what they could been wrapped in the fortune and luck could surround them but it only drowns them and with this my soul reminds me of what I could have and don't I only wait and perceive waiting to leave I want it like star crossed tress never fully loosing their leaves they reach and stretch where they bend and fend from the wind ever growing and reaching only to never stretch quite far enough, that itself is what my legs fear so they leer in shadows never leaving were the wallows sing but in the darkness nothing is achieved for everything is deceived, now we part and watch the ascent of my soul leaving to go find something structured of brick and mud to carry its immortal being yet this itself is what my legs feared most, this time instead of lacking they begin cracking no longer bearing the weight of flesh and blood only letting the emotions flood, my legs they have lost now turned to crumbled dust and unachieved crust of a body that even the soul left to find someone willing and possibly even thrilling yes even the soul left this body leaving me ungodly and with what I always feared; failure

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