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He was angry again for the fifth time today and I know what that means. He'll come for me. Whenever things went wrong in the pack the Alpha would take it out on me. He would beat on me like there is no end to his anger. The more he smelt my fear was the more he beat on me. I was a rouge with nowhere to go and I stumbled upon his pack while running away from my old pack which is no different from this pack. At first, I thought I would be safe here. That I would be allowed to lead a normal life and find my mate. But instead what I got was constant beatings and abuse from the Alpha. Every time the Alpha would beat on me and have his way. My wolf Lana would urge me to fight him. She wanted to be pure for our mate but even that he took away from us. And I am filled with dread as I hold the pregnancy test in my hand.


Just as I read the results the Alpha stormed into my room. He did bother to lock the door because he knows that no one will come to my defence. I tried my best to hide the pregnancy test but failed. He snatches it out of my hands his eyes zooming in on the two lines.

" What the fuck is this Ava? Another one? Are you fucking serious? Get rid of it!! "

He yells.

" No. "

I say to him not looking up. I was still submitting to him and took a lot out of me to say the word no.

" What did you just fucking say to me?! "

He yells wrapping his fist around my throat.

" No. "

I say through my teeth.

That's when he lost it. Kick. Punch. Kick. Punch. Blow after blow, I fell to the ground and that's when he stomp the life out of both me and the baby. After he beats on me he orders me to get up but I don't.

" If you want to die then die, but not here not in my pack. "

He growls as he spits on me. He drags me by my hair and through the door he then order two of the pack warriors.

" Get rid of her. "

He orders.

The warriors took there orders and did what they were told they took me far away from the pack and dumped me leaving me for death to care of the rest. Beaten and almost dead I wait for death to claim me. I wait for death but it never comes.

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