Morning Glory

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Thursday, 10-22-14

This feels really stupid. I'm Miles. This journal is so I can write about this weird guy that stare at all the time. Totally not how it seems and I promise I'm not a stalker.

I was waiting for a ride one day and this guy just...went to the poll across the street from me, stood there, and stared into my soul. Need I mind you that it was 3AM and I just needed an Uber because I was really high and got the munchies so I went to 7/11.

Anyways, in my head I was all like 'oh well fuck you, I'm not going to get my Uber, I'm going stare right back at you until you leave.' He looked about ready to rip my guts out. I don't make fun of people's resting faces but what the fuck. He looked like an asswipe. Like he'll take a lollipop from a child because he saw it first, kind of asswipe. Maybe this is my high mind speaking, (yes I got high again) but I don't want any interaction with him unless it's this. Honestly, fuck him.

He's kind of cute, though.


Trigger Warning
This book contains mature themes such as sex, violence, drugs, and nudity.
Read with caution

This book is written in 1st person journal format, but it is not an x-reader.
The love interests name isn't figured out until later in the story.
This books setting is fictional.
Any hate, arguments, or spam comments will be deleted.
Constructive criticism is welcome.

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